Jacobs University Bremen Decisions!

<p>Hi, guys!
I got in JUB (round III of admission). As a student from non-EU country, I probably will not receive visa on time. So I’m considering to defer my enrollment.
Anyone else thinking about deferral?</p>

<p>can you explain how the deferral will work?
Yes, I am from non-EU country as well.</p>

<p>No you should not defer. try your best to get the visa. Even if you are 2 weeks late you will still be able to matriculate. </p>

<p>If NOTHING works out then get yourself deferred.</p>

<p>I asked the same question on the facebook page. Join the group. other JUB students gave me valuable suggestions.</p>

<p>[Log</a> In | Facebook](<a href=“Jacobs University Class of 2014 Public Group | Facebook”>Jacobs University Class of 2014 Public Group | Facebook)</p>

<p>Hellooo… I’m going to apply to JUB this fall…wondering if anyone could tell me about scholarship chances?? What is the typical scholarship recipient?</p>

<p>to get to Jacobs u need to get just above600 in every section?</p>

<p>I’m thinking about applying to JUB, but I wonder if Jacobs is reputable or not. Would you choose Karlsruhe, Delft or JUB in Europe?</p>

<p>Hey… I’m from Egypt, and I applied at Jacobs in September. I finished high school with a score of 405/410 (National Egyptian Secondary Examination). I’m a transfer student with a GPA 2.75 (But last two semesters I got between As and Bs only in my courses). The problem is that, I got 1770 in my SAT which was the first time for me to have it in my life, and I had only one month to study for it since I decided to apply. Anyway, I’m so worried about my admission especially for my SAT scores, and because I’m a transfer student, I’m also worried if I got in they might not REALLY aid me financially, especially that for sure I’ll get a small merit (if I do) for my scores. </p>

<p>Can someone please tell me what are my chances?</p>

<p>SSSUPPPP PEOPLEE!!! Im ariff from BANGLADESHH yeahh>>>> im kinda tensed coz i need FULL AID nd um thinkin of applyin to jacobs>> can any1 temme if jacobs actually meets 100% need??? (i dnt mind loans nd stuff too)!! here are my statsss if ne1 thnks it will help:</p>

<p>SAT: CR 660, M 720, WR 540 (sucks)>> but im retaking on January 28th xpecting 2100?
SAT Subject: Math II 780, Physics 750 (i dnt like MCQ xams, timing sucks)
Class Rank: 1st outta 39
O Level: 6 A’s, 1 B
A Level: 3 A’s
Honors: World Highest O Level English (93 Marks), world highest in A Level physics unit 1 and unit 2 both 100% marks but dey dnt give awards fr individual units… Daily star award for O level n A level (national award aprox. 800 students from da whole country get dis),
ECAs: Im a amatuer card magician for 4 years! lmao i kno no1 counts dis but im really PASSIONATE abt card magic!!../ um Captain of school cricket team, um 8-ball pool player (won sum minor regional tournaments), (our school dsnt have ne ECA clubs :frowning: )
VOLUNTEER ACTIVITY: Active member of local volunteer organization for 6 years, currently im da Chief Event Organizer, ie, i arrange events (like tournaments, competitions, fairs, festivals, functions etc), also went to cyclone afflicted regions of bangladesh durin 2007 to distribute emrgency provisions>>> Previously Volunteer (unpaid) Tutor at coaching center for 2 years>> Recent member of JAAGO VBD supported by US EMBASSY!
WORK EXP: 2300hrs+ (15months) experience at international call-center, was promoted to TEAM LEADER within 6months! Now i teach 5 A Level Students (paid)!! represented Middlesex University as student helper in UK Education Fair!!
HOOKS: I worked full-time and night shift during 12th grade to pay for my education. I gave my O Levels by self study (no school in 10th grade due to money problem). Im first generation-college student. Bangladesh is uncommon country!
ESSAYs: Regarding my struggle to continue my education by workin night shift full time for a whole year and studyng at da same time, minor essay abt my fascination wid MAGIC!
Reccomendations: my teachers assured me dat dey had written me one of da best reccos ever (deyr kinda impressed wid me :p)
Additional: ma supervisor at Work also gave extra recco, highlightin ma leadership abilities at office!
DISADVANTAGES: SAT scores mayb bt hopefully deyll improve!>> nd I CANT PAY SQUAT FOR UNIVERSITY EDUCATION>> honestl if i dnt get admitted to unis in USA or Jacobs wid FULL FINAID, um oficially screwed>> (screwed like start pulling rickshaws fr a living)</p>

<p>CHANCE ME!>>?? haha i know ive seen dis like 100 times nd CC people get murdered for dis lmaooo bt imma GONEEEE!! nd plzzz DA MOST IMP THING I WANNA KNOW IS WILL I GET FULL AID (LOANS ARE KEWL TOO) to attend??? ma family income is like 15K pr year :(</p>

<p>^You do card magic too? I do both card and coin. Nice</p>

<p>I know nothing about chances but looking at the admitted profiles, I think you have a decent chance. Your academics are strong and a 2100 (if you get it) is very good for JUB. Your ECs are unique. Also look at the top LACs in USA. They offer decent aid too.
Good luck :D</p>

<p>@karan>> yehh cardd magicc!!! nycee… btw is deyr professional magic instruction where u live??? neways im also starting on XCM bt i just need a deck of bicycle cards i cant find anythin of dat type here in Bangladesh…</p>

<p>yehh im also applyin to few top schools and LACs dat offer full aid, bt da fact is LACs arent need-blind nd i doubt deyr gonna gimme a full ride wid my stats… soo i kinda hav very slim chances at USA but ive already applied deyr.>… i was hoping to count on jacobs as a safety school>>></p>

<p>wer else r u applyingg??? nd mention sum of ur stats if u dnt mind>>> :)</p>

<p>arifxlr8, no training of any sort here. I am self taught. And damn, I so want a bicycle too. It’s prolly available in delhi or mumbai. XCM is tough, I have tried a bit of it and it looks very very cool :cool:</p>

<p>My stats are 2250 on the SAT and 800,800,720 on the subjects. Applying to all top schools that offer aid in USA. It’s difficult to get in, but I am hoping :)</p>

<p>wow incredible statss mannn!!!>>>> yupp XCM is tufff, nd havin small hands dsnt help at all :p>>> lol i dnt hav incredible stats but im just hopin my essays pull thru at least sumwheree!!
I applied to Harvard Yale MIT Dartmouth Trinity Lafayette… wbu??? ur applyin fr full finaid?? i cant pay squatt so ma hopes are vryyyy tinyyyyyy!!</p>

<p>i am applying to all ivies and top LACs, and yes i need full aid too.</p>

<p>btw>> wat kinda ECAs do u have??</p>

<p>Hey there!
I’m an international student who is currently studying in an American school in Turkey. Well I have pretty decent-horrible when compared to others- GPA (about 3.2/5.0 ). I’m going to study International Baccalaureate and also going to take the required tests to apply (Toefl and SAT). What would be my chances if I had good test scores and a good IB diploma-but decent GPA to apply JUB? It’s just too early to considering at this time for me but it would be great to let me know:) Thanks!</p>

<p>As a German I really ask myself why you want to study at that university. Is it just because of its English classes? There are around 20 better universities with international reputation in Germany. You should consider them too.</p>

<p>Anybody in Round II (2012/2013)??? Decisions should come up soon :)</p>

<p>I got in. Thank God!</p>

<p>Hi guys I got in too! I’m from Singapore if it makes any difference haha.</p>