Jacobs University Bremen Decisions!

<p>How do you get notified about the decision? I applied round 2 and i’m waiting…</p>

<p>They sent me an email about it and said that the official admission package will be sent over by regular mail. And that scholarship details will be out by mid-april.</p>

<p>^Thanks soccerfan93</p>

<p>I too got the admission letter, How much do they help with the financial aid? any idea? I am from India.Please share</p>

<p>I am from Pakistan. They are very generous, ganesha2312.</p>

<p>Do they offer in Jacobs financial aid for the international Foundation Year Programme?</p>

<p>How much " they are very generous"?</p>

<p>^^ Haha that’s what I wanna know too. I need A LOT of aid and I’m hoping it’s not all in the form of loans. If it is I have to kiss JUB goodbye…</p>

<p>It depends on your need and how you have supported it with documents. However, a loan will most probably be part of your package.</p>

<p>Is anybody else in here applying to Jacobs International Foundation Programme?</p>

<p>Hi Faryal and others, Are you too applying for aid? I applied and sent all the reqd docus.
Is there anybody who got aid and got there finally? Thanks for responding.</p>

<p>@Jimmy 1994 I did and got accepted :slight_smile: but today i read that last year only 12 students were admitted to the IFY :S
Btw am from Syria what about u?</p>

<p>@Ganesha2312, I applied for aid. We’ll hear back by mid April. That’s what the email said.
@goldenlips, what is IFY?</p>

<p>@Faryal International foundation year ^^</p>

<p>Am confused, freshman students are the students of the:
1.foundation year<br>
2.the first year of the undergad 3-years
3.there is no such thin :P</p>

<p>I applied for undrgrad through commonapp but I am sure everyone has to go through a foundation year.</p>

Nice to know anyone coming from Southeast Asia. I got in and I’m from Indonesia :)</p>

Where did you get the information?</p>

<p>hey, how many of you guys have got the reply frm JUB fr the 2nd round? did anyone get an email?</p>

<p>@Zia, I am guessing.
@joKernasty, I applied in round 2 and heard back on 23rd March.</p>

<p>@faryal ,did u get an email frm admissions?</p>