Jacobs University Bremen Decisions!

<p>yes, I did.</p>

<p>@zia haha yeah great to know someone from SEA too! Will u be intending to attend there? I haven’t made my decision yet.</p>

<p>btw, I don’t think those who applied for undergrad will need to go through foundation year. I just checked their website and it states that foundation year is to help high sch grads to ENTER university. They will prepare them for SATs and such. So I don’t think we will need to go through that.</p>

<p>you’re right soccerfan93, the foundation year is something which is not a part of your undergraduate degree here at Jacobs. and personally, i consider it to be crap.
Jacobs is a three year institution and those of you who decide to come here will enroll ofcourse in the freshman year and not the foundation year.</p>

<p>how much did you ppl get in CR SAT exam?</p>

<p>I got the e-mail too. Recieved it last friday. </p>

<p>I`m from germany by the way ;)</p>

<p>@Caro16, congratulations. :D</p>

<p>Thanks Faryal, I really look forward to open house on April 21st. Can’t wait to see the campus:)</p>

<p>Foundation year is just for those whose standardized test scores or real academic ability hasnt met with the standard here yet. <<No financial aid for Foundation year!</p>

<p>@Caro Congrats! And now its really great here on campus with sunshine and warm air, but when it comes to autumn and winter…it would drive u mad. XD Bremen is kinda like a ghost town though just sometimes.</p>

<p>For those who hasnt received decision yet, maybe u’v been deferred to the second round which means that the chance that you get financial aid is much smaller…but dont worry, you might still get accepted.</p>

<p>^^ Hey I’m from the second round and I’ve received my admission result already. Anyway, how is life at Jacobs? Is there a good balance between academic and social life? Thanks! =)</p>

<p>I won’t be able to make it to the Open House. However, O Week is so on. :)</p>

<p>Does anybody know, when we will hear back from the financial Service regarding our financial packages?</p>

<p>@soccerfan93 I don’t know, I just got my scholarship decision today, and still waiting for the financial aid package, so I don’t know yet. I hope they’ll be generous to me</p>

<p>@jokernasty I only got 600… but I got better scores on Writing and Math sections</p>

<p>I just got my scholarship decision 10 minutes ago. im so happy, finally it’s all taking shape. </p>

<p>@jokernasty mine was even lower. I got “only” 550!</p>

<p>Hey guys I just got my scholarship decision today too!! Feel so happy now. It seems that I can feasibly go! =) </p>

<p>@jokernasty I got 760 for CR but way lower for math and writing haha. Math is so not my best subject lol.</p>

<p>I think it doesn’t depend solely on SAT scores. My Math score was soo much better than CR or writing. Still I might not have outstanding scores. However I got admission and a very generous scholarship.
I believe it depends a lot on your personality (essays) and some achievments that set you apart from everybody else!</p>

<p>@Zia, you only got 600 euros? Or 6000? :stuck_out_tongue:
@soccerfan93, what was your scholarship amount?
@Caro16, you only got 550 euros? Or 5500? :P</p>

<p>550 is my CR SAT Score ;)</p>

<p>hahahahhaa, what was your scholarship then?</p>

<p>and I am sorry. @Zia, what’s your scholarship?</p>