Jacobs University Bremen Decisions!

<p>Woher genau?</p>

<p>Bremen. Where do you live?</p>

<p>Haha ich auch!! :D</p>

<p>Sorry about the German, everyone!
Rude of me to just switch languages ;)</p>

<p>Am also in. :)</p>

<p>and u guys might get the scholarship info via email. also a copy via mail. =D</p>

<p>hey ,any of you know how long it might take to get the financial aid decision or the merit scholarships…there was nothing about scholarship in my acceptance letter…</p>

<p>In a few days time you will get an e-mail about the merit scholarship if you are awarded one.</p>

<p>thanks… n i guess i wont hear about the need based aid for another couple of weeks right?</p>

<p>The merit based scholarship is usually granted with a notification of email directly following the admission notification.</p>

<p>And, it might take the financial office several weeks or even a month to process the financial package.</p>

<p>Yeah!.. You will hear about aid after a few weeks… However you will hear about the scholarships within the next week!
Congrats to everyone…</p>

<p>^^congrats!!!& yes, count me in:))</p>

<p>Has anyone received a scholarship email yet?</p>

<p>I just got mine!
3.000€ a year plus consideration for the “Jacobs Scholarships for Global Understanding”.</p>

<p>My scholarship info has just been updated!</p>

<p>‘we are pleased to offer you an increased entrance scholarship of € 18.000 toward your tuition and fees.’----->China scholarship! XDDDDDDDDD</p>

<p>PS: CONGRATS JikeNat!</p>

<p>12.000€ a year! Yeah!
Congrats @ Reconquista and JikeNat!</p>

<p>Wow, congrats!!!
What was your former amount?</p>

<p>Mauerblume, do u mind sharing your stats?</p>

<p>@JikeNat: You got a PM.</p>

<p>Just got mine too. 6000 Euros. Waiting for the complete Financial Aid package.
@mauerblume @JikeNat @Reconquista CONGRATS</p>