James Madison University or Virginia Tech for Business?

<p>GoTechGo do you have a job yet? have you had an internship offer you a job? I know you will be a 5th year senior, but you should have a job lined up, and don't blame the economy if you don't.</p>

<p>First and foremost, will you please address anything I just said? Probably not because if I was owned like that I'd probably have nothing to say.</p>

<p>Secondly, I have held two professional jobs, one was last summer interning in Roanoke at a Fortune 500 company called Norfolk Southern doing financial auditing @$25/hour. You probably have no idea what that is. I currently work for a regional tax firm and make a nice cushy $12/hour working 10 hours a week doing peoples taxes. </p>

<p>Oh and guess what?! I have a 3.1 at the crappy Pamplin College of Business and was hired as an intern while i was still a sophomore and just doing intro to accounting. Man oh man Tech must suck, either that or you're completely wrong. </p>

<p>And no I shouldn't have anything lined up because I'm coming back next year. You don't tell me how to live my life and the economy is a perfectly acceptable excuse for not getting a job. Tell all the Georgetown grads who can't find work about how they "should" have something lined up. Again you are completely clueless. </p>

<p>I am not a 5th year senior, I am going to be doing a graduate degree here. Would you like to make any more moronic statements and keep getting shot down or are you ready to leave?</p>

<p>Ok let’s see, first Tech isn’t in the same pecking order as UVA. UVA is a tier 1 school and Tech is a tier 2 schools so no comparison. For some reason people at Tech always compare themselves to UVA? The people at Tech usually didn’t get into UVA( I know there are very smart people at tech how could have but liked Tech better) But let’s be real JMU and Tech are on the same page and get the same kids. Read the posts lovelucy wants to do management and marketing, I told lovelucy that they are a waste of time because they are not finite subjects, they are too subjective. “If you are seriously just getting into college, how can you possibly speak on the career opportunities” My father ****ing hires people at Ernest Young in DC, he is always telling about the people he sees. He said the alumni get the people from Tech in the door but they usually don’t stay because they aren’t on par with what the company wants. Are you really going to question what a partner at Ernest Young says? “Also our finance department head was on the curriculum board for the AACSB. That means the stuff HE, a VIRGINIA TECH PROFESSOR, thought was important, is now in the curriculum at UVA, Georgetown, Harvard, etc etc.” Way to throughout names carelessly, Harvard doesn’t have an undergrad business school so how can it be a part of their curriculum. Have fun living in Roanoke with thousands of VT stickers (flair) all over your car.</p>

<p>This board isn’t to convince people to go to Virginia Tech it is to answer questions for them. kindaslick89 goes to Tech and is transferring to JMU for business, so if anyone would have insight it would be him. I go to Community College and have a 4.0 and I didn’t even consider Tech, It’s between JMU and UVA. I thought Tech was too big and same not all of the students have just a little too much pride for their school. (As in they think Tech is the best and no one can hold a candle to them, GoTechGo) You really can’t go wrong with either school. I liked JMU because it’s smaller and is 70% women. I wouldn’t listen to either GoTechGo or VaStudent12(they’re arguing on a discussion board?), go with what you think suits you the best.</p>

<p>Once again you're wrong. First of all Tech is in Tier 1. You love rankings so go check your sources. Secondly we compare ourselves to UVA because we finally can and are tired of being marginalized by dumb high school seniors like you. </p>

<p>Secondly, yes I will absolutely question what a partner at Ernst and Young says because 1) I don't believe your Dad is a partner and you're simply doing it for the benefit of argument 2) Because of the scandals and dishonesty that pervade through the partnerships of Ernst and Young especially the deferment scandals of 03 I did a case study on 3) Because partners don't hire people and 4) because Ernst and Young hires from Tech, JMU, WM and UVA so you are completely wrong in saying that only Tech alums at those school just hire because we go to Tech. They hire because they're good schools.</p>

<p>-So because I accidentally threw out Harvard that completely throws at the point that he wasn't on the Finance Curriculum Committee?</p>

<p>-Which leads me to living in Roanoke? Absolutely not. Going abroad my good sir and hope to be able to put myself through a master of finance program and do portfolio management or corporate finance abroad in Spain or the Netherlands, my two favorite countries.</p>

<p>"Way to throughout names carelessly,"</p>

<p>Hmmm, Vastudent way to spell carelessly. You may need to go back to high school and learn spelling.</p>

<p>If someone says something stupid on a discussion board, just ignore it, and don't add fuel to the fire. Everybody has an opinion, and rightfully so, but if your opinion is so biased without a little objectivity, it would be proabably better to just keep it to yourself.</p>

<p>Show me a link to were Tech is a Tier 1 school.</p>

<p>GoTechGo you are such a tool. portfolio management or corporate finance I bet you also wanted to be a hedge fund manager or an investment banker.</p>

<p>Here is Virginia Tech's page: National</a> Universities Rankings - Best Colleges - Education - US News and World Report</p>

<h1>71 School overall</h1>

<h1>30 Public school</h1>

<p>And no I don't want to be a hedge fund manager. I want to study for the CFA and do either portfolio management or corporate finance/capital allocation/restructures because it interests me. I know Virginia Tech students shouldn't have goals or graduate degrees, or even make more than $30,000/year as a janitor, but we do go far believe it or not. Thanks VirginiaStudent12, I am a tool because I am actually arguing with you, I will agree.</p>

<p>Wow this has gotten heated. It a simple question JMU or VT for business not which school is better. JMU has COB 300 in which you start a company from scratch, very hands on with real world knowledge. I think Tech is more of a classroom environment and going over the fundamentals, not as hands on (depends on the teacher I guess). Tech offers better alumni recruitment because it is a bigger school so that is a plus, but there are a lot of kids a Tech so that could be a negative to some people. JMU is small and not very well known outside of Virginia so that is a negative, but the alumni do very well in business and help whenever they can so that is a positive. List out the things that are most important to you and see which school gets the most check marks.</p>

<p>vastudent- there are no longer tier 2 schools, US News did away with that and now all ranked schools are considered tier 1, and the rest are placed in either tier 3 or 4.</p>

<p>You really need to get off this Tech bashing run youre on. When I was researching what school I wanted to go to I realized that we Virginians dont realize how good we actually have it. From W&M on down, Virginia is blessed with great affordable public schools. We have over half a dozen respected schools to get a degree from. Many states only have 1 or 2 options.</p>

<p>Amen msc. 10 char</p>

<p>kindaslick89, thank you. You were probably the only one with some substantial advice. And gotechgo and vastudent, your arguing really did me no good. Although I did agree with you on some things - yes, marketing is just "fluff" and I do think that it is common sense, which is why I am majoring in Business administration and possibly attaining a minor in marketing. And yes, I probably will transfer to NEU, BU, or UVA.</p>

<p>Glad you found some help on this thread. I'm sure whatever your decision you'll be just fine. In defense of gotech, he was sincerely trying to help you out by giving you his insight about Vtech business. Unfortunately Vastudent had another agenda which was not to help you but to express his gratuitous hatred (based on what, I'm not sure) of Vtech. His language goes against the rules and etiquettes of CC. I believe gotech reported him but nothing was done unfortunately.
I wish you good luck with your education.</p>

<p>"Get off your high horse and start picking up its **** because thats all you will ever amount too."</p>

<p>"Way to throughout names carelessly"</p>

<p>It doesn't invalidate your points... but really?? (too/to throughout/throw out)</p>

<p>"My father ****ing hires people at Ernest Young in DC"
"Are you really going to question what a partner at Ernest Young says?"
well that explains the feelings of self-importance......</p>

<p>"but I had a cousin go to Pamplin and it took him two years to get a job."
...... and there is the problem with vt</p>

<p>That + a bad day + the opportunity to blow off steam (in the form of an online message board? lol) = VaStudent</p>

<p>Both schools are great (obviously I lean more towards Virginia Tech :)) - Either way, you need to check out Koofers</a> - Exams, Rate/Pick Professors, Ratings/Evaluations, Notes</p>

<p>Woah, this thread really got heated!!
I must say that I agree with the post above me- both are top-notch schools, and you will have great opportunities no matter which one you choose...and regardless of your undergraduate major/minor. A lot of people do undergrad majors that one might consider "fluff," mainly because they aren't positive what exact job/position they are looking for - but grad school is what really matters in the scheme of things when looking for a job. At this point, I advise you to go with whichever school 'feels' best- don't worry about the rankings or rumors you've heard. Visit both campuses, and go with your gut. Hope this helps!</p>

<p>why has no one pointed out that VaStudent12 spelled Ernst Young as "Ernest Young". . . you sure your daddy really works there? I'm not. . . .</p>

<p>It looks like I am going to the Pamplin College of Business at Virginia Tech! Thanks everyone!</p>