James Madison University or Virginia Tech for Business?

<p>I have narrowed my decision to two schools, JMU and Virginia Tech. I plan on studying Business Administration and Marketing. I know that JMU has a very good business program but I'm not sure how good the Pamplin school of Business at VT is. On Business Week, JMU is ranked as #44 for undergrad business schools and VT is ranked #54. However, I don't want to base my decision solely on these rankings. I will also consider which is a better school in general, taking into consideration, the location, student housing, etc. Thanks for all your help. :)</p>

<p>my final two choices were Virginia Tech and JMU. I went to JMU to look at their accepted senior day, then went to VT the next day and chose Virginia Tech in a heart beat. JMU put on a bad presentation for their business school, while Virginia Tech's was all about, well, getting down to business. I find that the job prospects at VT are a lot better too, tons of career fairs, great career counseling, etc. I also love the student body here and the athletics programs. Everyone is so friendly. When you compare JMU and VT, you really have to look at more than academic quality because they are generally at the same level (although I would put VT a half step above JMU these days). Blacksburg is the best place to spend 5 years of your life (you will find yourself trying to expand it to 5 years...that hurts us in the rankings though). Also BusinessWeek rankings are flawed because it's based completely on student surveys. This year VT was almost not even ranked because no one cared to fill out surveys. US News is more reliable if anything IMO and we're 38th I think. We have an outstanding marketing program here and I've participated in a bunch of surveys when I took intro to marketing. You will love it here. I'm a Hokie Ambassador so hopefully I'll see you at Hokie Focus in April!!! Congrats on getting in and GO TECH</p>

<p>Agree with GoTechGo... more companies recruit here than JMU and you are more likely to get a great starting job at Tech.</p>

<p>Quality of life is higher at VT, and people will have actually heard of your school if you decide to move anywhere outside of Va ;)</p>

<p>It really doesn't matter what school is "better" in the rankings, it matters what you do at the school. My best advice is to go to both and make the decision that you feel most comfortable with. Try not to let your friends or family influence YOUR decision. Im not going to tell you to go to VT over JMU or JMU over VT because we aren't the same person and we probably value things differently. Rest assured if you do well at either school you will be lining yourself up for success. Good luck.</p>

<p>Sorry kindaslick, I mean this with all due respect, but this board is to convince people to go to Virginia Tech. I'm in Hokie Ambassadors here and this is my job so I will try to sway as many people as possible into coming here. You are right that rankings don't matter; however, job prospects, and name recognition definitely matter: VT is more well known.</p>

<p>I think the main reason Tech is more well known than JMU comes down to having a BCS football team instead of a div1aa team. One thing Ive noticed with the Tech v JMU debate is Tech homers will say Tech is academically superior, and JMU homers will say the reverse.</p>

<p>I had to make a decision between the two as well, and it was a tough one as theyre both equally great schools. I was able to talk to people from both schools, and they helped out alot without trying to convince me either way (I dont want to feel like Im choosing between a ford or a honda). At the end of the day I felt I had more in common with the average Tech student then the average JMU student, plus Tech had the exact major I wanted.</p>

<p>Thank you, greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>With all due respect GoTechGo, Im trying to offer an objective, unbiased position, which I believe is more credible then a "come here its all great approach" that you could read on any pamphlet or website. This board is for answering questions people might have, and letting them make their own decisions. Hey im a Hokie too, all Im saying is that people should go to where they feel most comfortable, whether that be VT or any other school.</p>

<p>The only people who like Tech are people that go there. 52% graduate in the normal 4 years! Also BusinessWeek rankings are flawed because it's based completely on student surveys. This year VT was almost not even ranked because no one cared to fill out surveys.</p>

<p>I'm staying 5 years because I'm an accounting major and want to sit for the CPA. Staying 5 years isn't embarrassing. Engineering curriculum is also a major fraction of that 52% that don't graduate in 4 years because it's something like 135 credit hours now and some take 4.5 years. This board isn't mean to argue though so I'll take my leave.</p>

<p>I doubt the OP will make a decision based on VAstudent. He offers no rational argument, just name calling.</p>

<p>That post by VAstudent was rather unpleasant. </p>

<p>The OP mentioned basing his decision on other factors such as housing, location, etc. When we looked at schools in VA, my son quickly decided against JMU because of the major highway (Rt 81) that runs through it. The highway drone drove him nuts. I'm sure it becomes invisible background noise after awhile, but it was enough to turn him off at the time. As far as graduating in 4 years, most kids who choose to co-op have to stay longer - and that would be the case at any school. Should you choose to double major, it can add time as well. Whatever the OP decides, base your decision on what you are looking for/ what the most important elements are in YOUR ideal school.</p>

<p>compgeek, "Agree with GoTechGo... more companies recruit here than JMU and you are more likely to get a great starting job at Tech." PROVE IT!! you have no idea what you are talking about. GoTechGo, "You are right that rankings don't matter; however, job prospects, and name recognition definitely matter: VT is more well known." What is Tech well known for? Vick? Football? Engineering? How does this help a business major?
JMU got an A+ for job placement and an A for teaching quality, while Tech only got an A for job placement and an B for teaching quality. (The</a> Top Undergraduate Business Programs )</p>

<p>lovelucy look at the facts, JMU is better but smaller. Tech is large and has a D1 football team. It all comes down to what you want to do. Business Administration and Marketing are not good choices for majors from either school. Companies are going to look over you in favor of someone from UVA or Wharton. Become an Account because you will always have a job available, and it doesn't matter what school you go to if you become an accountant.</p>

<p>Vastudent is a flame. He's made his purpose in life to put Vtech down. His opinion is worthless.</p>

<p>"PROVE IT!" go on businessweek and look it up. VT has almost triple the companies and more graduating VT students get jobs before JMU. Thats businessweek for you, believe it or not doesn't matter. College is what you make out of it. </p>

<p>The only choice that truly lies here is whether or not you become like VAStudent12. I think how a person reacts online anonymously can tell a lot about them. VAStudent12 comes on a VT board, disrespects the VT board and readers by petty name calling, arguing without evidence but the almighty, all-seeing businessweek, and trashing VT. Yeah, this board is bias towards VT but this is a VT sub forum. Most of the posters love VT for its various reasons.</p>

<p>LASTLY! VT is large but you are not a number. If you become a number, that's because you choose to be and never took the extra step and/or the extra risk. If you don't believe you can distinguish yourself as a unique individual and take risks than go on and listen to VAStudent12's life plan. Graduate in four years from JMU because businessweek and VAStudent12 say' its better. Become an accountant because you'll have a job regardless of any dream or ambition. And finally go to VAStudent12 and ask "now what?".</p>

<p>a long forum post is what happens when you have a horrible week filled with tests, homework, and a project.</p>

<p>I am not going to become an accountant. thanks for the advice, VAStudent12.</p>

<p>First off I do like tech or I wouldn’t have applied (accepted, but going to GTown). But look, with the way things are now it is going to be harder to find a job and having a marketing degree isn’t going to help (Marketing=Fluff). Stick with management over marketing. I know I have been very rude and I know this is a Tech board but I had a cousin go to Pamplin and it took him two years to get a job. He loved Tech but hated how large of a school it was in terms of recruitment and how if you are in the middle of the pack with a good GPA like a 3.2 there are hundreds of students still ahead of you fighting for the same job. DO NOT settle with either school lovelucy if you want to go the NEU, Transfer!! (Transfer</a> Students)</p>


<p>If you are seriously just getting into college, how can you possibly speak on the career opportunities that Pamplin alum have or don't have? I was just like you when I was in high school thinking I was better than my friends at Radford, Longwood, ODU, etc. This isn't how the real world works. Take it from ME who is a SENIOR FINANCE MAJOR. Virginia Tech's business school for undergraduate is in the same pecking order as UVAs. In fact our dean was the chairman of the accrediting agency which all four of the "Big 4" VA in state publics are in. Also our finance department head was on the curriculum board for the AACSB. That means the stuff HE, a VIRGINIA TECH PROFESSOR, thought was important, is now in the curriculum at UVA, Georgetown, Harvard, etc etc. Then OUR dean, determined if high and mighty UVA and Georgetown should KEEP their accreditation. Yes, a lowly Virginia Tech dean was responsible for determining who could and couldn't keep the most prestigious accreditation for a 2 year time frame. Please stay off this board because your views are completely misinformed and are toxic. Every single fortune 500 company would rather hire a Virginia Tech business student with a 3.2 than some punk kid like you with a superiority complex. Sorry it took your brother or cousin or whatever 2 years to get a job.</p>

<p>Also completely clueless when you said she should major in management. Anyone can "manage" its a skill you pick up and develop through life. You can't teach leadership. If you want a solid major stick with accounting or finance.</p>

<p>By the way, I've reported you so hopefully something good comes out of that.</p>