Januaray SSAT

<p>If you take the Jan. one would it be to late to get it to your schools in time? Or does it just matter that you take it before the 15th? Cuz I'm kind of confused..I already have a good score but I really want to improve a section.</p>

<p>You should speak to each school directly about it. I spoke to a couple of schools and was told that I should submit the Nov. SSAT scores so that the Admissions requirements are met - the folder will be complete by the deadline. Then, alert the school that you’re retaking the test, and they will put your admissions packet aside, and it won’t be reviewed until the new scores come in. They also said that they will look only at the highest scores.</p>

<p>Will being put aside till later hurt the application chances? Or do lots of people take the januaray SSAT?</p>

<p>Barely anyone takes the January SSAT. My city doesn’t even offer it… Only 1 test site in the entire state offers it. I live in the most populated city with over 2 million and we had multiple test sites for the other tests. </p>

<p>Talk to each school. Andover is chill with it I’m pretty sure.</p>

<p>exeter is fine with it. i took the january one last year, they didnt care</p>

<p>Did u get in?..I prolly won’t re-take it…I already have a pretty good score. Just 1 section is still ****ing me off!</p>

<p>What were your percentages? I can tell you if you should retake them based on the scores and percentages. Some sections are “more important” than others. I know they are all scaled to 800, but in all honesty there is a little more to it than just that.</p>

<p>Um, no offense, but how would you possibly know, italian…</p>

<p>I know that italian. And my scores are more than good enough to not grant me instant denial…I’m not gunna need your professional advice…sorry :(</p>

<p>All I wanted to know was about the January SSAT …I’ve read enough stuff here to know I’m being an idiot by even thinking of re-taking it. So I don’t want to sound like a ■■■■■■ saying my first score on here and talking about re-taking it again.</p>

<p>And yes…I know there are other factors italian…Ive read a couple threads here ;)</p>

<p>I don’t have professional advice, only valuable. </p>

<p>None of the other factors have been discussed on threads. I’m talking about score make up and why… I really doubt that you are getting at what I’m saying.(Why one math question or one vocab question raises your SSAT percentage by different amounts). </p>

<p>And why would you sound unintelligent by saying your first score and then talk about retaking? That is what you should be doing, and in all honesty that is the only way to define a score increase possibility.</p>

<p>To stop this from turning into an altercation, if you want my advice PM me. If you don’t please don’t post anything, just don’t ask.</p>



<p>Italianboarder: The way the above is written, really comes off in a rather arrogant manner. I’m sure that is not how you meant it, but that’s how it sounds.</p>

<p>To all applicants, there are only a VERY FEW posters on here who actually work at boarding schools. So, be sure to take many of these opinions with lots of grains of salt.</p>

<p>…? What are you talking about…I asked about the January SSAT and if it gets to schools. You answered that question correct? Then I asked a question pertaining to Senay and then a statement. </p>

<p>So where did I post anything that insinuated I need “advice” on my SSAT scores from someone who’s applying to the same schools as I am…Seriously speaking though, I think you need to focus more on your application and not giving all this “advice” that no one asks for.</p>

<p>I don’t know you, but there is a VERY slight chance your more well-rounded or half as accomplished at such a young age as I am. So I doubt all these hidden factors that only you know about will affect my chances to get into these schools. </p>

<p>But ya…I just get the sense you feel that your in a position to give valuable unique advice…when your really not.</p>