<p>How have the previous January SAT I exams been regarding difficulty and curve?</p>
<p>Thanks :)</p>
<p>--i meant 2009* in the topic title, sorry</p>
<p>How have the previous January SAT I exams been regarding difficulty and curve?</p>
<p>Thanks :)</p>
<p>--i meant 2009* in the topic title, sorry</p>
<p>Where is this idea of the SAT’s difficulty fluctuating from month to month coming from?</p>
<p>The difficulty is the same.However,some poeple consider science passages harder,while other people consider the passages from novels harder.Some students think that function problems are harder than the alebraic ones.
This is why the difficulty is considered different by different people.</p>
<p>^No, the exams do truly fluctuate a little in difficulty; this variation is compensated by a changing curve, which assigns (on different tests) different scaled scores for a given raw score.</p>
<p>I posted a link to a QAS math curve pdf in [this</a> thread](<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/623441-sat-math-section-qs-scaled-scores-december-08-a.html]this”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/sat-preparation/623441-sat-math-section-qs-scaled-scores-december-08-a.html) ; the pdf has the last three Jan. math curves.</p>
<p>January 09 should be a repeat of a previous exam. Probably November or December '07. If that’s the case, math will be -1 = 770 or -1 = 780. CR, -3 = 800, W, -1 = 78</p>
<p>math -1 = 770 !!! Thats extreme…</p>
<p>^It’s always like that. Normally, -1= 780ish,</p>
<p>Why do the tests fluctuate in difficulty? That seems really unfair.</p>
<p>a difficult problem is considered one that has never been released by the collegeboard yet.CB cant release the same problems all the time…</p>
what do you mean a repeat?? like the same curve or the same exact test???</p>
just think about your question. Why would ETS administer a previous test?</p>
<p>^^ ETS admistered previous test before. That’s how my cousin got 2370</p>
<p>yeah i’ve heard of it happening like that before where people have studied QAS and got a perfect or nearly perfect score on a test because it was the same exact one</p>
<p>Nooo! They never reuse RELEASED exams. They only reuse non-QAS tests.</p>
<p>such as?? the blue book ones?? or the practice ones for each year? i’m confused :?</p>