January 2009 / SAT Discussion

<p>We are all waiting for the test.</p>

<p>Anyone who finished the test write your opinion and what was most difficult.</p>

<p>Few Hours left for some international students.</p>

<p>im taking it like 9 hours…
please wish me good luck guys!
this is my first try as i am still a junior!</p>

<p>I totally just realized that I left my graphing calculator at school. I feel so stupid.</p>

<p>Good luck guys. My first SAT will be in March. Hoping for a 2000+</p>

<p>i love post-test feedback!</p>


<p>I’m doing it tomorrow. I’m terrified! I can’t remember HS math, and I haven’t had the time to study. Bleh. Let us hope this test doesn’t ruin my chances of getting into a great school.</p>

<p>I’m currently doing the opposite of what I’ve done the last 2 times. <em>playing video games and doing teenagery things</em>.</p>


<p>Seriously, worrying does a body no good. =/</p>

<p>about 10 hours, 20 minutes until it starts for me</p>

<p>i’m going to bed :D</p>

<p>Good luck everyone ^^</p>

<p>i am an international student.</p>

<p>I finished the test about 2 hours ago.</p>

<p>The test was easy.</p>

<p>The writing was so easy and the essay is for the first time easy and a lot of things can be written down. The essay was about struggle and not giving up.</p>

<p>The math was easy as well but time was my problem. I left too much questions because of time.</p>

<p>The reading was ok. It had a lot of tricky parts.</p>

<p>But my expected scores are so low.</p>

<p>Math 680
Writing 670
CR 560</p>

<p>i think international students have different tests.</p>

<p>My essay topic was how accomplished people achieve much.</p>

<p>I hated the writing section.
Reading section’s passages were OK, but the questions were confusing
Math was easy</p>

<p>i took the test yesterday.</p>

<p>the essay was my weakest section, for sure. i hated the topic in the first place: “does planning ahead interfere creativity?” i got 4 paragraphs, including a conclusion, but i’m not so sure about the quality of my essay… uggh…</p>

<p>multiple choice was really easy: the error i.d. questions mostly dealt with subject-verb, or number agreement and not so much on tenses and stuff (thank goodness).</p>

<p>reading was surprisingly okay. normally, with practice tests, i have difficulty over at least 1 reading passage , but i didnt really feel that yesterday. i think i got some sentence completions wrong, though.</p>

<p>math was good, too. im usually a strong math student. my only problem is that i make too many careless mistakes.</p>

<p>expected scores?
-math: high 700s
-reading: mid 700s
-writing: low 700s?</p>

<p>hahahahaha i have absolutely no clue.
overall, considering that this was my first time taking the SAT, it was surprisingly okay. i was expecting to feel much worse during and after the test. hahahaha</p>

<p>i feel the same way as ellay.
Math was easy
CR was okay, cept of the SCs
Writing was fine except for the Essay. Planning interfering creativity. I did not like that at all.</p>

<p>CR: 3 omitted about 10 wrong
M: 1 omitted; 1~2 silly mistakes possible
W: 0 omitted; 1~2 silly mistakes possible; essay 8~10</p>

<p>What score would I get?
I’m aiming for 2150+… and this is my second time taking it.</p>