January 2010 Curves

<p>For the SAT, Post the number of questions missed/omitted and the resulting score on each section.</p>

<p>Math -3 and 2 omit = 680
Writing -9 and 0 omit and 9 essay = 630
Reading -13 and 2 omit = 600</p>

<p>Reading -0 no omit = 800
Math -1 no omit = 770
Writing -1 no omit = 78

  • 8 on essay = 750</p>

<p>Reading -7 omit 0 = 680
Maths - 10 omit 1 (omg…) = 620
Writing - 3 + 9 essay omit 0 = 700</p>

<p>CR: -3, 1 omit = 730
Math: -1, 0 omit = 770
Writing: -0, 10 essay = 800</p>

<p>CR:-7, 0 omit=680
M:-3, 1 omit=690
W:-3, 0 omit, 8 Essay:680
The curve is harsher than usually.</p>

<p>I didn’t omit anything.
CR: -1 = 800
M: -2 = 740 (***???)
W: -0, 10 essay = 800</p>

<p>CR: -9 (ouch) = 660
M: -4 = 670
W: -3, 8 essay = 670</p>

<p>This was the first time I took it, but the curve (at least for math and writing) seems kind of harsh, hopefully in June it will be a little better</p>

<p>CR: :slight_smile: no omit = :slight_smile:
M: -1 no omit = 770
W: -1 no omit, 11 essay = 800</p>

<p>Yeah the math curve was a little harsh it is usually much better, I remember sophomore year I got 1 off 0 omit and got a 790.</p>

<p>@Handala: Ha ha, I still remember the CC frenzy after the November test. The writing was especially brutal. </p>

<p>To OP: Sorry, all I know is that 53 raw in math was scaled to 770, but that’s already been well established.</p>

<p>correction to my previous post
I had 2 omits in Math and 1 omit in writing (which I’m figuring were all bubbling errors since I don’t remember leaving any questions blank lol)</p>

<p>Critical Reading: -3 no omit— 750
Math, -0 no omit— 800
Writing -1 no omit, essay 10— 790</p>

<p>The Critical Reading curve was pretty harsh. Writing looked about normal, and math was somewhat harsh as well.</p>

<p>No omit in any section</p>

<p>Critical Reading: -9 — 660 (incredible…)
Math -0 — 800 =)
Writing -1 , essay 8 — 750</p>

<p>This doesn’t really help in determining the curve, but…</p>

<p>Critical Reading: -0 (800)
Math: -0 (800)
Writing: -0 / 10 essay (800)</p>

<p>oh thanks for the info, I guess the curve couldn’t have been too bad if they gave a perfect test a perfect score :P</p>

<p>really though, what grade are you in silverturtle? I’m presuming senior but I could be wrong (collegeconfidential is full of monstrously smart kids)
Were you expecting scores around 800, or was it kind of a nice, big surprise?</p>



<p>I am a junior. The 800’s were not wholly unexpected, but it was still nice to actually get them.</p>