January Critical Reading SAT Thread

<p>I think there were a couple different versions of tests w/ an experimental CR section, because I know I had an extra reading section but different small passages than many of the ones posted. I didn't have anything about eastern medicine, self-checkout, or crops. I did have a long passage about a literary critic (talking about Willa Cather) and a short passage on technology/fantasy movies.</p>

<p>For the Hispanic passage, what was the answer to the question about the interaction btween the two girls?</p>

<p>kpxandy - it was something along the lines of taking note of each other cautiously</p>

<p>For the critical reading section, how many do you think you could miss to get a score of 700?</p>

<p>yEA!! what was the answer for interaction between two girls?
i remember one of the choices was they observed each other carefully or something like that and another one was they acted like they knew each other or something........AHHH what was it</p>

<p>lets talk about the comic passage. Especially the last page
what did you guys get for.
1) misunderstood creation vs ill conceived failure-- i am personally for the misunderstood one, because failure is too extreme considering the context... I donno..
2) there was this question based on one of the last sentences in the second passage (eg something about sins and how kids are exposed to greatest deeds). WAs the question asking for passge 2's opinion or 1's? does anyone know the exact wording.
3) did one of the answers in the later questions of the passage have teh word education in it?</p>

<p>Yajimari21, I also remember that one as well now that I think about it ... so the list goes to...</p>

<p>Comic Book, Hispanic Girl, Map, Venus, Eastern Medicine, Slang (Cool), Guy using self-check out technology, Shakespeare into movies, crop variety</p>

<p>Does anyone remember answering callous as one of the answers?</p>

<p>I had a short passage about global populations on my experimental section. It seems as though all the experimental (reading at least) had the same long passage but different short passages.</p>

<p>Also, anybody know what the vocab questions from the experimental section were??? I got 3/4 vocab questions wrong AHAHHGH; but i think i got all of the comprehension questions right--well at least hopefully.</p>

<p>Actually in my opinion the one about the art wasn't so bad. I understood it completely. If you use the CRACKING THE SAT method then you obviously won't understand it because you must read the passage twice in order to understand. </p>

<p>The passage was supposed to describe an art critic who was obsessed with the praise of an author. He would waste more time reading the praise than the work itself. Also (<em>argh</em> trying to remember) it says that he applauded the author's work just because other people were giving it praise. It was WEIRD i must admit but it wasn't out of the ordinary. I personally thought that questions about the Canoe where the experimental questions because they asked so many "what does this mean in context?" questions.</p>

<p>I remember the global population one as well now that I remember it....list grows to...</p>

<p>Comic Book, Hispanic Girl, Map, Venus, Eastern Medicine, Slang (Cool), Guy using self-check out technology, Shakespeare into movies, crop variety,global population, literary critic</p>

<p>wasn't there two passages on overpopulation not global population?
One said it's not really overpopulation and one says it is - our resources and stuff</p>

<p>Yes, that is what I meant when I said global population...</p>

<p>i had overpopulation passages and my writing was experimental</p>

<p>Hm...I cannot determine which one of mine is experimental...</p>


<p>Okay ill clarify...the one about population was about 'measuring overpopulation'. </p>

<p>Passage1: lots of land per person. we actually have underpopulation. statistics such as everyone in the world could live in texas, and everyone in the world could fit into one city if standing.</p>

<p>Passage 2: we need the rest of the open 'space' to feed the current population.</p>

<p>the question was what would the second criticize about the first.
i chose "that passage 1 was considering the wrong factor"
and what was the tone of the first sentence passage 2 (as widespread as wrong):
i said dismayed.</p>

<p>I did not put dismayed for that one...I put answer C which I do not remember what is it at the moment haha</p>

<p>oh you mean "emphatic"?
i put that. then erased it. oh well..</p>

<p>Yes I probably put emphatic ... it rings a bell now. Anyone else answer emphatic for the tone of the population one? It was probably an experimental section so don't worry about it. His first sentence pretty much gave away the answer that he was emphatic about what he was talking about.</p>

<p>i definitely put emphatic. i'm not so sure the overpopulation was the experimental..i'm really hoping the literary critic was experimental b/c that was dense to read</p>