January Sat Curve

<p>any predictions?</p>

<p>btw 2 wrong in math might be no lower than 750? i failed at the easiest ones because of a hurry, do you think 800 Math II might compensate for SAT I Math section?</p>

<p>2 wrong in math-->760 (If the questions were harder, 770, I would say)
800 Math II might compensate for 750 Math I score, but not lower. (If you can get 800 from Math II, you can retake the exam easily)</p>

<p>thanks for your reply
i wonder if admission officers would look at my Math II and be lenient towards Math Section in SAT I. again, math isn<code>t a problem for me at all, but my essay will be about my predilection to maths. i am afraid of this low math score on reasoning impugning my college essay. well, i think relationship of my essay and maths honors at school with math section</code>s score is the thing i<code>m nervously concerned about...
any comments, please.
ps i</code>m intl, not Asian, if this matters</p>

<p>well-timed use of the word predilection :)</p>

When I said "Math I score", I meant SAT I Math score, so if it is lower than 750, you may worry about admission officers. However, they know that 750 is only 3 wrong, and that SAT I is a long exam that also tests endurance and carefulness.
On the other hand, if you get less than 750, it may mean that you are not careful enough, or that you just studied for iic exam and didn't have enough skills to solve a wide variety of questions. (sat math is more like a skill test [rather than a knowledge test])
All in all, 750 seems a benchmark for you if you really want to write an essay on mathematics. NOTE: it is just my humble opinion :)</p>

<p>How about for C.R.? How many do you think you can get wrong and get 740 or 750?</p>

<p>I'm guessing about 3 for CR, but I've never taken the test before.</p>

<p>October's test:</p>

<p>740 on CR was 5 wrong.
760 on Math was 2 wrong.</p>

<p>How much is 3 wrong on math (with one of the wrong being a grid-in)?</p>

<p>3 wrong- 760
How many for math is 6 raw points? 680-720?</p>

<p>Was this test harder than normal? Any sections?</p>

<p>Um, it was pretty average. Some have said it was harder than usual, but I already counted 5 wrong, so six raw points... How many is it for 6 raw points?</p>

<p>Im most worried about CR, I think I got an 800 in math</p>

<p>Dark,thanks for that, I ask you how you think I did, not too well obviously, and then you brag about possibly getting an 800 in math... what else should I have expected on CC?</p>

<p>Oh, sorry, I hadn't read your post yet. I apologize. 6 Wrong in C.R. would probably be like 730/720 I would imagine, since you only lose one additional point. As for math, its hard to say. I know the curve is harsh, so it could be anywhere from 670-700. Again, Im sorry if you interrpreted my post as a display of arrogance.</p>

<p>Dark, I'm sorry if I came off too harsh, I've just been having a really bad week. Not your fault at all, sry.</p>

<p>I know, its been bad for me too:</p>

<p>TASP Essays due monday
Track Meet Monday
History Test Friday
Calc Test Friday
SAT Yesterday, and I had to get up at 5:30 for standby...</p>

<p>I hope next week gets better.</p>

<p>3 wrong for math = 720 in NOV. I was ****ed (I think it is usually 740).</p>

740 on CR was 5 wrong.


<p>Is that based on a 12 essay?</p>

<p>well in december, 2 mistakes + 11 essay in writing = 800 :)</p>