<p>i got 3 Es in a row</p>
<p>I put no error for that one and one about climbing a hill and something else probably.</p>
<p>i got e for the precocious baby...</p>
<p>I put no error for that one and one about climbing a hill and something else probably.</p>
<p>^same for that one</p>
<p>precocious baby i thought was idiomatically wrong? A?</p>
<p>anyone remember the question in the 20's that had "each idea ___ having been" something something?</p>
<p>i got e for the baby but i think it was A, got e for the climbing</p>
<p>ditto for 5 no errors @ end.</p>
<p>..and I've never gotten >2 wrong on writing MC. the essay, though, is another matter...</p>
<p>5 consecutive?? I had 4 total at the end, changed one</p>
<p>I thought the idiom was wrong for the precocious baby. The baby was considered precocious BY the family, not to the family?</p>
<p>Also, I said that it was For the students who had heard the principal, not To the students who had heard the principal. </p>
<p>Can anyone verify?</p>
<p>@rememberme, I put that too. for the baby. no guarantees for the principal, and that sentence was something about employee cuts or something... not students hah</p>
<p>was an answer A for the improving paragraphs one
in order to fail... one must first make an attempt? something like that???</p>
<p>Oh for that one I put E, "One must first make an attempt, to fail." or something like that.</p>
<p>yea, i kept one or two of the paragraph ones the same.</p>
<p>argh! i was so close to putting E for that one, i remember. but i thought it seemed awkward to put the comma there (like it was in choice E)</p>
<p>I am not sure if it's right or not, it might not be :].</p>
<p>got A for that</p>
<p>does anyone remember the answer to the error id question about coronary arteries and heart disease</p>
<p>NO ITS NOT one must blah vblah , to fail.</p>
<p>that is not correct that cant be</p>
<p>i think i put its or no error</p>
<p>Idk what i put but ahdsjdjadjh, to fail doesnt sound right at all...its not right grammatically either</p>
<p>"To fail one must make an attempt" sounds totally wrong too to me, that's why I picked E.</p>