<p>From the Jan. 2012 CR thread, I pulled out the following vocab words from both sentence completion and passage based reading:</p>
<p>aberrant, adroit, aloof, ambivalent, analogous, apprehensive, awe, cathartic, consensus, cultivate, deferential, digress, distorted, docile, eluded, erudition, evasiveness, expostulate, forestall, histrionics, humbuggery, inquisitive, lauded, loquacious, magnitude, meticulous, obdurate, objective, phenomenon, prescient, quackery, rapacious, ruminant, scoundrel, self-effacing, transcribe, underscore, unequivocal, voluptuous</p>
<p>Then I compared Direct Hits to the free Sparknotes and free Powerscore lists. In some cases, a form of a word was used. For example, Sparknotes has aberration instead of aberrant. Here are the results.</p>
<p>DIRECT HITS (Core Vocabulary)
adroit, aloof, ambivalent, digress, lauded, meticulous, obdurate</p>
<p>DIRECT HITS (Toughest Vocabulary)
consensus, histrionics, loquacious, obdurate (it was on both lists)</p>
<p>SPARKNOTES (Top 250--None were found on the 250 Most Difficult)
aberrant, adroit, aloof, ambivalent, analogous, consensus, cultivate, deferential, docile, eluded, erudition, forestall, inquisitive, lauded, meticulous, obdurate, prescient, ruminant, self-effacing (efface), unequivocal</p>
adroit, ambivalent, analogous, awe, cathartic, consensus, deferential, digress, docile, erudition, histrionics, inquisitive, lauded, loquacious, meticulous, obdurate, objective, phenomenon, underscore, unequivocal</p>