I’m currently an uprising senior. Am I likely to be admitted or rejected from Johns Hopkins?
Junior year:
AP Language and composition (4)
AP Chemistry (4)
AP Biology (4)
AP US History (3)
Pre calculus
Honors orchestra
Honors German
Senior Year:
AP physics
AP statistics
AP German
AP literature and composition
AP psychology
Honors orchestra
Honors calculus
Overall weighted GPA so far~ 4.55
New SAT: 1440/1600
ACT: 30 (I will take it again. I’m getting tutoring and using books to study while taking practice tests)
Will take subject tests in October: bio, chem, and math 2
Drama club vp
100 hours being a mentor/babysitter for underprivileged children
Women in Science Fields founder and P (encourage younger girls to Perdue STEM and do hands on workshops with them)
Multicultural club founder and P (I’m Portuguese and have Italian citizenship. I started the club with a friend from Ghana)
NHS tutor for underclassmen and also a mentor for special needs students
Summer camp volunteer counselor for underprivileged kids
Intern at my dads biotech company (should I not put this because of my father??)
I’ve gone to Hopkins 4 times for a tour and summer sessions (30 mins of them explaining pre med and women in stem then an application workshop). I want to major in bio and neuroscience so far. What are my chances? Please help. Nobody responded to my other post. 
Your SAT score is a bit on the low side of what is acceptable, but it shouldn’t hurt your cahnces too much. Course rigor looks fine, but what is your UW GPA? Extracurriculars look pretty good with some leadership experience, but isn’t too varied. I think that you should include your internship. Overall, your chances are average to pretty good, but I would recommend going ED to maximize your chances.
I have no clue our school doesn’t calculate it but that’s a GPA out of maybe a 5.00?? I get good grades, all A’s and A+'s so GPA should be fine. I forgot to put that I also play viola and I’m first stand (I basically lead the violas). How could my extracurriculars be more varied? I think I’ll lump together the volunteer work. Also I’m not submitting the SAT and I’m aiming for a 34 on the ACT.
Oh sorry I’m also the director of the student production
All in all your application looks pretty good. A few notes:
- You're SAT/ACT scores are a bit low. The SAT score isn't drastically low, but it is on the lower end of the IQR for admitted students. You may want to consider retaking the SAT or ACT.
- Don't worry about the variety of your ECs. From what i understand, colleges don't care about variety as much as they care about the dedication and leadership shown in each EC.
- Include the internship as an EC. You don't have to disclose that it was your dad's company if you don't want to (it's not like they'll ask), and a biotech internship is a strong EC for a prospective bio major.
- While the ED admission rate is higher than that of RD, that statistic is skewed by the number of hooked applicants who apply ED - don't expect ED to make up for a major weakness in your app. Additionally don't apply ED unless you're confident you(r parents) can afford the school. You can run an NPC on the website to get a feel for how much you'll be expected to contribute.
All in all, your stats make you a competitive applicant to Hopkins. However, Hopkins admission is becoming increasingly selective so make sure you apply to a good mix of matches and safeties.
Good luck!
JHU superscores so use this to your advantage to raise you test score