
Is the Jhumur premed gpa curved?

I mean is the Jhu premed gpa curved?

(I don’t see anything about adjusting premed GPAs.)


(That’s one professor they’re quoting. Perhaps some other professors grade differently.)

(Current JHU student)

Short answer: no

Long answer:

  1. Premed GPA isn’t a thing. Med schools use your transcript to calculate your overall GPA and your STEM GPA.
  2. Each class (at any school) is curved at the discretion of the professor. Some apply bell curves, some normalize, many don’t curve at all, and some have their own system that makes sense to them.
  3. If by curve you meant weighting (like with high school AP classes), I’ve never heard of a college that does that. It may happen somewhere, but med schools usually calculate your GPA based on your transcript so any weighting applied by your school won’t affect what the med school sees.