JMU Musical Theatre

<p>@KatMT I’m new to CC so I haven’t gone through this entire thread so forgive me if you answered anything before. My D is a junior in high school and we are starting to put together a list of schools for her to consider. She wants to major in MT however she would like to also minor in French. Is that possible at JMU? Also are there study abroad opportunities for theater students? She seems to be attracted to having the possibility to study drama in London for example. Also what is the student life like? Are the MT majors, be it BA or BM, able to participate in extracurriculars? Like Choirs or student theater groups? And last question, what is the surrounding area like? Is the campus pretty much isolated? Sorry for so many questions. </p>

<p>@mtjones1‌ – Happy to hear of your D’s interest in JMU!</p>

<p>It is very possible for a Musical Theatre major to minor in another subject and graduate within four years. Some students are even able to double major and still graduate within 4 years… particularly those who come in with dual enrollment, AP, or IB credit.</p>

<p>JMU has an active study abroad program through the Office of International Programs <a href=“Center for Global Engagement - JMU”>;/a&gt; London is the most popular location where Theatre and Musical Theatre Students study abroad, but some also choose to study in other countries. Some students study during one of the regular academic semesters, and others choose to study abroad during the summer semester. The JMU study abroad programs are more “life enrichment/ academic” than training focused. Students abroad in London do take a London Theatre Course, and can apply for an internship with a professional theatre company in London. We also have been able to put students in contact with voice teachers, and dance class resources. If a student was interested in training in London for a semester we would help them set up an opportunity through an external study abroad program. </p>

<p>It is possible for students to participate in campus life if they so choose. There are some who are involved in Greek life, InterVarsity, are Student Ambassadors, and other non-theatre/ music groups. Many students are in a cappella groups, some participate in choirs, Improv, or student dance clubs. The student run theatre opportunities are part of the production program in the School of Theatre & Dance. Generally there are 3 - 6 student directed productions each semester, and generally 1 - 2 are musicals each semester. </p>

<p>Harrisonburg is a great college town in the Shenandoah Valley, there is a city bus system (that is also the university bus system), a cute downtown area, a mall… all within walking distance to campus. it is not a huge city, but there is plenty to do on campus and in the surrounding community. it is less than 2 hours to Washington DC, 2 hours to Richmond, VA, 1 hour from Charlottesville, VA (where UVA is located), and about 6 hours from NYC. </p>

<p>Please feel free to email me at <a href=“”></a>, post, or PM me with additional questions you may have. </p>

<p>Thank you so much @KatMT! I will let her know. Hopefully we will set up a visit soon.</p>

<p>Great! If you go to the JMU Theatre & Dance website there is a list of scheduled program visitation days. All are at times when a production is also happening. <a href=“The School of Theatre and Dance - JMU”>The School of Theatre and Dance - JMU;

<p>Hi @KatMT and others! I emailed the Theatre/Dance dept this evening to request a Sept. 19 visit for my D, a junior. Is there any possibility of her attending a MT class with a current student? Or anything of that nature? I have lots of questions, and have just scrolled through all the previous posts. First, thanks for all your info–knowing that you work for JMU allows me to trust your info. My husband and I are both JMU alums (I was a music ed major), and our son is a junior at JMU now. :)</p>

<p>My daughter’s weakest area is dance; she is working hard to improve those skills. I sensed from the description online that perhaps JMU is a school where this might be more acceptable that it is elsewhere. Is this at all accurate?</p>

<p>I believe the “alumni factor” will help my D to be accepted academically, although she is taking 3 AP classes this year (all that are available to her) and her GPA is around 3.6-3.8 (waiting to hear back from guidance as to the exact figure). Not sure how she’ll do on the SAT… But I’m assuming any legacy/alumni factors will have absolutely no bearing on her artistic acceptance, right?</p>

<p>She is planning on applying ED, just so we’ll (possibly) know earlier. The MT acceptance rate is pretty daunting…</p>

<p>Thanks again for any help you can provide!</p>

<p>Hello! </p>

<p>Yes it is possible to attend a class as part of the visitation on September 19. There is a freshman MT Performance lab at 2:30PM, directly following the tour and and info session at the Forbes Center, followed by a 3:30PM rehearsal for the fall musical, Gone Missing. She is welcome to sit in on one or both. There is a good chance that I will be the faculty member at the visitation that day, so email me at <a href=“”></a>, and I can confirm the class and rehearsal.</p>

<p>In terms of dance, we do consider dance as part of the program admissions “equation,” and do have strong dancers in the program. However, we also have students who enter as stronger singer/ actors, with potential fro growth in dance. We tend to look at the whole package and look for a varied group of students each year.</p>

<p>We do not take alumni connections specifically into account when making program admissions decisions. Although we have graduated some sibling pairs from the programs in the School of Theatre & Dance :-)</p>

<p>JMU has non-binding EA, rather than binding ED for academic admissions. In terms of the Musical Theatre & Theatre programs, we wait until after we have seen all auditions for incoming freshmen before making any program decisions. So a student admitted EA to JMU academically would not hear whether or not they have been admitted to the program until sometime in early to mid March. </p>

<p>I look forward to meeting you and your family when you visit. Please feel free to email me with any additional questions.</p>

<p>Kate </p>

<p>Thank you Kate! The class and rehearsal sound wonderful–I will email you to confirm. </p>

<p>If she is admitted EA, though, she would hear from you a little earlier as to her acceptance status into the program, compared to applying through regular decision, yes?</p>

<p>We are already sold on JMU, since we’re a Dukes family, but are really looking forward to learning all about the MT program. :)</p>

<p>Yes. Those who were admitted to the university through EA should know by early March whether or not they have been admitted to the program. Those admitted academically to the university through RD are notified at the end of March, usually by April 1. </p>

<p>See you the 19th. </p>

<p>@KatMT Hey Kate, I was wondering if you guys take video submissions for the MT program? Not that we don’t want to see the campus, but with unifieds in Feb, more long distance travel is gonna be tough. </p>

<p>Hi pghmusician. I responded via the PM you sent. Let me know if you did not receive it, and/ or if you have any questions. </p>


@KatMT This thread is so helpful! Thank you for all the information. Quick question, my D is a HS junior, it does not look like we will be able to visit before your semester ends. Would you recommend waiting till Fall when school is in session or would a summer visit be as informative? Thank you.

Hello @joyfulmama! I think a visit in the fall would be more informative. There will be scheduled visitation days and a few open houses, most connected with performances. If a summer visit is the only way to go, I will be around directing the professional summer theatre for families and children that we have on campus, and there are students involved with that. But, a fall visit when things are in full swing would be preferable.

Great, thanks @KatMT ! I really appreciate the info. Glad to have you to reach out to with questions. :slight_smile:

Any time! :slight_smile:

@KatMT I know you are probably so busy winding up this year and do not really want to think abut next year yet,but… I was wondering if you know when shows are for the fall so we can plan a visit. .Thanks!

@joyfulmama --Our semester ended last week, so now I am moving on to the professional summer theatre we do at JMu in the summer. I will be in working on that tomorrow. I will try to remember to check the calendar.

The website for formal visitations will be updated within the next few weeks.


@KatMT no worries, I will wait for the website to be updated Thank you!! Do students try out for the summer theater?

@joyfulmama – Yes, they do audition for paid positions in the professional summer theatre company. 2 children’s shows, and 2 musical revues. Design/ Technical/ Management students also apply for paid positions.

@KatMT what an amazing opportunity to put into action what they are learning!I can not wait to bring my D this fall!!

@KatMT I have questions regarding voice & dance as part of the MT curriculum, would you prefer me to ask here or do you have email I send questions to? Thanks