Sorry, I’m still not sure of the forum and where stuff goes so excuse me if this is in the wrong section, but I have a quick question:
Can you take the certification test for MLT and/or MA (medical assistant ) certification with an associate’s in Life Sciences? I know my A.S. is virtually useless in the science field, but I’m working on my bachelor’s as we speak and working on getting into medical school~
I’m currently working in a factory which the pay is good, but I’m growing tired of the job. Also it’s graveyard shift so the hours are taking a toll on my mind a bit. It’ll be nice to do something with my A.S.
I live in Pennsylvania if that helps. I know for PA, to be a MA, you only need a HS diploma to take the certification test. However, for MLT I get varying answers online. A point to the right direction would be lovely and any advice as well.
I have lab experience. I just don’t want to waste money on the tests for potential employers to say they won’t accept it without experience. Thanks!