Job market for nurses?

<p>Have any recent graduates had issues finding jobs? I'll be a freshman in college next year and I want to go into nursing however I read that new grads are finding that jobs are scarce.</p>

<p>Long-term, nursing is a solid field because the jobs can’t be shipped to China, and because there will be a huge increase in the elderly population in the US.</p>

<p>Short-term, some grads in some geographic areas will always have some difficulties finding jobs. One reason is that there are more graduates of nursing programs in some geographic areas than others, and young people prefer to live in some areas vs. others. </p>

<p>Many nurses delayed their retirement because they were supporting other family members during the Great Recession. </p>

<p>There also are issues with health care economics, which are affected by federal reimbursement rates for Medicare and Medicaid. In addition, about the half the states have refused to accept federal funding to expand Medicaid to more persons. Many hospitals were pushing their states to accept the federal money because it reduces the amount of uncompensated care they need to give away.</p>