is a nurse stable job in U.S?

<p>I am a sophomore and still don't know what to do.
my mom wants me to be a nurse
because it's stable. oh, also she said it gets high salary. </p>

<p>so, is a nurse stable job in the U.S?
I wanna get a job that is very stable in next few years</p>

<p>Check out (Bureau of Labor and Statistics) on nursing. Based on their website, there is a 25% increase in growth over the next decade, due mainly to the baby boomer retiring and Obama’s universal healthcare. So, yes, there is a huge demands for nurse.</p>

<p>I would also check out some other health care fields - most people don’t start out looking at anything other than MD or RN, but there are many other types of health care careers out there.</p>

<p>Op, who knows what tomorrow will bring, let alone “the next few years.”. For the most part nursing is more stable than a lot of other fields. but MOST new grads from 2008- now have had a hard time finding jobs in most major cities esp east coast ones and southern CA. It is next to impossible to predict. When I started college in 2005 new nurses were getting bonuses. Now NO ONE gets bonuses, some hospitals have hiring freezes, starting salary is the same. etc.</p>

<p>It is stable, but right now, it is very hard to get a job as a nurse. Even nursing homes in my area are requiring a 2 year commitment (and no new nurse wants to work in a nursing home). </p>

<p>That said, do you like patient contact? Are you comfortable touching people? Can you handle body fluids? If you answer no to any of these, then you may want to consider a different field. Accounting is a very lucrative and stable field.</p>

<p>Do some volunteer work in a health care setting before you make any decision. Don’t pick a field purely because every other field appears to have bad job prospects. You need a certain aptitude and interest to be successful.</p>

<p>Nursing is indeed a very stable job. However, becoming a nurse should be decision that’s led by your passion for the field because it can be a physically challenging and mentally draining job. If you are not passionate about helping people, you may find it difficult to survive the pressures of a nursing job. </p>

<p>That said, if you have made up your mind, it’s a pretty solid career to have. Does your current school offer nursing education or are you thinking of transferring to another school? If that’s the case, Stevens-Henager is a pretty good school to study nursing. [Contact</a> them](<a href=“]Contact”> for more info!</p>

<p>From what I’ve read, a career as a nurse is rather stable. On some lists, It has also been ranked as one of the overall best jobs. That being said, if you don’t have a passion for it, then chances are you’ll wish you had done something else. Nurses definitely don’t have the easiest of jobs as they work long hours and deal with sick people, so if you’re not committed to nursing then you may want to look elsewhere.</p>