Job Opportunities UCSB vs UCSD Economics

I was accepted to both UCSB and UCSD to study economics as a transfer student. I’m currently leaning on going to UCSB, but my parents seem convinced that there are a lot fewer job opportunities in Santa Barbara compared to San Diego once I graduate. What kind of job opportunities should I expect for economics graduates at both schools?

Hi @MrGoodham! UCSB alum here, and current recruiter for F100 company. UCSB has a fantastic Econ department. Certainly San Diego has a larger job market, however very few students receive actual job placement through on-campus interviews. Employers use GauchoLink (or the equivalent at UCSD), and recruit from companies throughout California and nationwide, and applicants are required to travel to them for interviews. UCSB has a very strong alumni network and career center. You’ll also use online job boards and network throughout LinkedIn, etc. I had many friends that were Econ majors, and all successfully transitioned into the job market after college. If your long-term goal is to live and work in San Diego, then perhaps I’d give UCSD a second thought. Otherwise, choose the university that fits you best. Good luck!

This is exactly the answer I was hoping for. Thank you so much!