Job problem

<p>We all want a job that earns us big money. When i was in elementary school, I wanted to be a doctor. A few minutes ago, i saw a page online saying how much more money you could earn by choosing business majors or working in banks. Though becoming a doctor takes years of medical school and the never ending threat of being sued, business can also be very stressful. So I just wanted to ask which job you guys think is better.</p>

<p>1) We don’t “all want a job that earns us big money”. Don’t state assumptions or opinions as facts.</p>

<p>2) The average doctor makes far more than the average “business” major. That’s a simple fact. The world is full of people who had hoped to get into the banking / investing world, and instead are working as financial analysts for some boring company in Toledo. </p>

<p>A banker can make good money more quickly than an average doctor. But don’t assume that a finance or business degree will automatically get you a great job.</p>

<p>I’d say the average amount of doctors make more money than the average amount of business majors. Although those business majors are very few or a minority in this case. People have seen business as an easy way to make money but failed and are now out of a job. It really depends on preference and what you want.</p>

<p>Doctors don’t make a lot of money when you consider loan payments and malpractice insurance as well as taxes</p>

<p>I don’t know how much “alot of money” is for you and if you are going to consider loans and student loans, then alot of jobs that require grad schools are not viable jobs as well. At the end of the day, their end salary really varies but I know hospital doctors that make 100k+ easy and then I know heart surgeons who are renown who make easy 1m+. To say they don’t make a lot of money either displays ignorance or extreme wealth where that kind of money is pocket change for you.</p>