Job recruiting for finance - does the undergrad school matter?

If you look at the list according to population Williams was 12 and the others were lower. 27 out of 500 vs 80 out of 2000

Yes I am, BNYM. There’s other feeder lists out there as well that say similar things. Duke, UVA, and Emory are the 3 top investment banking schools in the south. And thats if you consider Virginia the south.
Also our opinions dont matter the data is right there.

In the south

What about in the northeast?

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I meant the best southern schools, they have national placement. But in the NE obviously, Harvard, Penn, Columbia, Yale, Princeton in that order.

Well I appreciate everyone’s thoughts and help but he made his decision and applied ED to Williams last night. Hopefully won’t have to consider the other options (fingers and toes crossed!!)


It actually says 27 out of 2000+ undergrads for Williams. However that is deciving as not all of them are interested in finance. However the same can be said for Emory and Vandy in fact, you get a good picture of who is interested in IB at Emory from its BBA profile. Only Emory BBA students want finance. So for Emory you know its 80 out of 375 students. ( Also not all BBa stidents want IB so really the competition is less than that).

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In all fairness then you don’t work for an Investment Bank.

BNYM business portfolio consists of investment services, assets servicing, pershing, custody, corporate trust, foreign exchange, securities finance, clearing, and collateral management services as well as wealth management.

You have a modest debt capital markets platform that doesn’t rank in the top 20 league tables and sold your financial markets platform previously located in Roseland New Jersey about 10 years ago to Gleacher.

BNYM is a phenomenal partner and institution that has amazing professionals but they are not an investment bank.

So please be honest and don’t claim first hand I banking perspective.


Lol my reference point is working on Wallstreet, do you? Also the data proved all it needed to, it doesnt need your opinion or mine. Also im buyside so although technically not IB,
I would know.

Yes please see prior posts.

So you are two steps removed. Respectfully being a short end buy side professional doesn’t provide any window whatsoever on the hiring practices of I banks and I bankers.

@helpingthekid73 congratulations and good luck.

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Since the OP’s decision has been made I’m closing this thread. Posters who are still discussing their qualifications are welcome to continue via PM.