<p>Title says it. anyone know how to join the hopkins network on facebook?</p>
<p>have a Johns Hopkins email address.</p>
<p>Which you should receive some time over the summer if I remember correctly</p>
<p>You can also call them and they can tell you how to set one up.</p>
<p>So let's try to clarify your question ... </p>
<p>Are you asking how to join the Johns Hopkins Network overall on Facebook so you are listed as going to Johns Hopkins University?
...If so, then you do have to wait until you receive your JHED ID which leads to the set-up of your JHU.edu email address. That information will be sent to enrolling students in early June along with course registration materials. JHED IDs have not yet been created for the Class of 2012 since the class is not yet sealed and has not yet been turned over to the Registrar by Admissions. Just have some patience until early June.</p>
<p>Are you asking about joining the Class of 2012 Johns Hopkins Facebook Group?
...If so, then you need to request to join the group and have your request approved. Requests are only approved for those incoming freshmen students who have had their enrollment deposit processed. It may take a few days for one's request to processed. (Do note if you are a Peabody student, this Facebook group is not connected to Peabody.)</p>
<p>I hope one of those two answers responds to your inquiry.</p>