Jonathan Edwards!!!

<p>Anyone have infomation on Jonathan Edwards? Anyone else get assigned to JE????</p>

<p>yes, im in JE. check out the other threads on JE in the yale forum</p>

<p>conwoman, I could not find any other threads that talked in length about Jonathan Edwards...could you give the links. I went back to the old discussion forum but did not find anything.</p>

<p>In any event, maybe we could start a new thread now and get imput on people's thoughts about JE.</p>

<p>How are the JE dorm rooms? When do you think they will renovate? Is the courtyard a fun place to seems a bit small.<br>
How is the food?<br>
How many students live on JE? Is it a close community?</p>

try these links</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>they have info about JE.</p>

<p>Yeah, these links have all the info, but if there are any another questions, I will gladly answer them (I'm a junior in JE).</p>

<p>Antimatter...What are the things you like and the things you don't like about JE? Do you think they will definitely renovate in 2 years so we will have to go to swing space?
What are your impressions of the College Master and College Dean?</p>

<p>I love the community. JE is small, so you get to know everyone and everyone is awesome. Also, JE is the richest college, so they have a lot of activities for us.
I don't like that we haven't been renovated and the sophomore rooms are small (enjoy your frosh rooms!). Also the food... it can get bad, but you can always go to another college to eat (I almost always eat in JE because all of my friends do).
The Dean is awesome! He knows every student and is very helpfull. The Master loves art, so he invites artists every week. There are a ton of master teas and lunches with incredible men (if you like art).
JE will def. be renovated in two years!</p>

<p>all i know is that JE sux :(</p>

<p>i have a bunch of questions.</p>

<p>can you intrude on master's teas from other colleges if you really want to meet the guest or is it only limited to your college?</p>

<p>why is the food in JE bad - is it of low nutritional value or does it taste bad? can you give me an example of the types of food JE serves for breakfast/dinner/lunch?</p>

<p>since JE is the richest college, what kinds of benefits specifically does that provide?</p>

<p>what are some famous/notable alumni (if you know) that lived in JE?</p>

<p>how small are the soph dorms as compared to the freshman dorms? half the size?</p>

<p>what are some traditions unique to JE and what features does JE have? (for instance, i know one college has a climbing wall, all have 24 hr libraries, etc) </p>

<p>sorry for all the questions. thank you!</p>


<li><p>Yes, you can go to any of the master's teas you want. I've been to a few of them that were sponsored by other colleges and they were really great! I advise you get there early though because sometimes a ton of people go. The advantage of being in JE is that you get invited to lunches with the famous people who are visiting JE. I've never been to one because I usually have classes during lunch, but my friends love going to them.</p></li>
<li><p>JE food... For breakfast, like in every college, I think, there is no hot food (in Commons there is), there are hard boiled eggs, every type of cereal, yogurt, and you can make sandwiches. For lunch and dinner all of that except for eggs remains, plus a salad bar, a sandwich bar, and soup, and hot dishes that contain rice, spagetti, and meat or fish. Also, there are a ton of deserts. It's not the nutritional value that is bad, it's the way that they make food and present it to us. For example, sometimes salad is either half frozen or swimming in water, coffee is pretty bad, and something about the way they make food is wrong. I don't know what it is exactly, but if you go to other colleges that serve exactly the same dishes, you can taste the difference. Our dining hall managers are always changing and sometimes the food gets much better, but sometimes we can't eat anything. A good thing, though, is that all of colleges are using more organic products and thus improving the overall quality (basically, trying to be like Berkeley).</p></li>
<li><p>We have the Spider Ball, I think they spend around $25K for it - and it's only for spiders and our guests. There are food nights every month. Each one has a theme, like Cheese or Chocolate, and the committee gets a ton of products that spiders can eat on that night in the Great Hall. There are NY trips every semester - 40 students go to NY to see a play, opera, musical, etc. for free (and dinner with our Master in NY is included). We have special activities, like a tulip day and halloween (although that's not really expensive, but still really nice). We have dinners for IM teams and all of our positions in college are paid (unlike in other colleges). There are more things I can't think of right now. </p></li>

<p>I ran out of time, but I'll answer the rest later!</p>

<p>great! thanks a lot - this is really helpful. keep going please</p>

<p>OK, more JE things...</p>

<p>More about special JE things because we are rich - there are special funds for students who want to do independent projects, so you can apply for money and do whatever you want with it. I personally haven't done anything yet.</p>

<p>*Rooms. I lived in a double freshman year and it was huuuuge. As a sophomore you can only live in a suite of 3 - one single and one double (and, of course, a common room). Some people decide to live in the common room because the single and the double are basically the same size (and small). Imagine a bed, a table, and a dresser that are surrounded by four walls (there is a window and a door too). That's a single. Put another bed on top of the first one. That's a double. These rooms are smaller than freshman singles. No kidding.</p>

<p>*Unique traditions... Well, the JE MEN are unique - they do lots of fun stuff like pretending to sing, drinking, yelling, making fun of colleges, and organizing pranks. We have Wet Monday - when we destoy freshmen in a water fight :) Building-wise, we have everything that the others have - the buttery (movies, food, coffee - that's a new thing, you can get cheap Illy coffee), 2 libraries, gym, practice room (w/ a piano), and our basement is awesome - you have to see to understand. It's very special. Also, it goes from most rooms to the dining hall, so when it's cold you don't have to go outside (but that's true for most colleges I think). We are connected to the Skulls and Bones building, good luck figuring out how... We have a beautiful yard with hammocks, flowers, and trees.</p>

<p>More to come when I think of something else...</p>

<p>antimatter...thanks for all the great info. I really appreciate you making this effort.</p>

<p>The size of the rooms sound rather disappointing though. But you seem to still be very pleased with JE which is comforting. </p>

<p>How do you feel about living in the swing space in two years?</p>

<p>Well, I won't be there, but I think it will be great since their rooms are really great.
It wasn't that bad last year since I was in a single, so can't complain :)<br>
Yes, I love JE and it is the best college! It's not the space that matters - it's what you do with it anyway!</p>

<p>JE SUX</p>

<p>isnt jonathan edwards that guy who fakes talking to dead people?</p>

<p>taken from <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Yale's first and foremost child prodigy, Jonathan Edwards matriculated at Yale (then Collegiate School of Connecticut) in 1716 just before reaching 13. This, at a time when entrance into college required fluency in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. Four years and one intense conversion later,he graduated as valedictorian, received his Master’s of Divinity from Yale in 1722 and went on to become one of America's most renowned theologians and philosophers,and a testimony to Yale's mind-atlering powers. </p>

<p>You know, there MIGHT be more than one Jonathan Edwards.</p>

<p>ooooooo. good point. sounds interesting.</p>