Journalism vs Communication degree

<p>Hi, I am a high school senior and will be applying to colleges soon. Right now, I think my top major is journalism. Looking at colleges I see that some of them offer a communications degree with a concentration in journalism instead of a journalism degree. What's the difference? Would it harm me if I did a communications degree with a concentration in journalism instead of a journalism degree? Thanks for your help!!</p>

<p>It depends on what you want to do with a journalism degree/where you want to go to school. If your primary concern is school fit and the best school for you has Communications as the degree w/ a focus in journalism, go for it. However, if your #1 concern is getting the strongest journalism education so you can get a job in the field, you need to look at the top, competitive journalism schools. You’ll find they have better professors, internships and job connections. Not always but often. That said, if the school that offers Communications has really strong ties to internships/jobs, it may not make a difference. For instance, I know UCLA doesn’t have a journalism major, but I wouldn’t tell anyone to NOT go to UCLA b/c of that! They have a really good Communications program and great job network connections.</p>

That’s great, proudterrier, very helpful.

Opinions from others based on your experiences?