Journalism vs. Creative Writing vs. Something else?

<p>I'm a freshman journalism major at Pepperdine University, but I'm starting to reconsider what the best major would be for my career goals. I intend on discussing this with my advisers, I just thought I'd put it out here as well:</p>

<p>Background in journalism:
- I was an editor on my high school paper and fell in love.
- I have taken one introductory course in journalism here so far. I loved it, and I have the top grade in the class.
- I have had one paid journalism internship.
- I worked as an assistant news editor for the paper all semester on a modest scholarship.</p>

<p>Other goals:
- To work in publishing and book editing.
I just got an internship with a spoken word/slam poetry publishing company with a local office. I am interested in working with the literary magazine on campus. I have already edited an e-book for money, last summer.</p>

<p>I guess what I'm asking is — what is the best major/minor combo that would make me most competitive to pursue BOTH fields.</p>

<p>Both the journalism major and the creative writing major require 12 upper-division units in an outside concentration, so I can do both easily. But which?</p>

<p>I’m a 2014er but I’m already worrying which one I should pick…</p>

<p>I’m probably going to go with Journalism, because Hemingway was a Journalist. So there.</p>

<p>I would go more for straight English than journalism if you want to get into the book publishing industry. The way to break into the book publishing industry is through internships, it’s more about connections than about what you majored in. I wouldn’t really recommend creative writing if you want to get into editing stuff, I don’t think it would really help much. You could double in English and journalism, or major in English and minor in journalism.</p>