Journalism--what's the way to go?

<p>I've been researching different journalism schools and universities that offer journalism courses. It seems to me that the field of journalism is very competitive, and that any job you aquire is based on your expertise and education. I'm not too keen about sinking four years of college and fifty thousand dollars into becoming a journalist since I plan to do other things as well, but is that my only option? Has anyone ever taken journalism courses online with any sucsess? What are the downturns of studying online? I'm just looking for cheaper ways to go into journalism while studying other things and would welcome any advice. I'm a "country kid" and know very little about how higher education works, so please give me some sugestions!</p>

<p>First, ask your counselors at your high school for their advice.</p>

<p>You will spend +/- $50,000 no matter what course you pursue.</p>

<p>Journalism is very competitive. Newspapers are dying. They are not hiring. Writing a blog won’t pay the bills. </p>

<p>I would be wary of any online journalism classes. Never seen any or heard of any. </p>

<p>Cheaper is not always better. You get what you pay for. </p>

<p>Go to a community college for a couple of years and take a lot of English classes, government, econ, history, political science. </p>

<p>Write write write.</p>