<p>Really? Even with 6 OMITS??? Hmm..I might not cancel my score afterall.</p>
<p>btw, can you post what's the raw score for 700?</p>
<p>Really? Even with 6 OMITS??? Hmm..I might not cancel my score afterall.</p>
<p>btw, can you post what's the raw score for 700?</p>
<p>Was the answer: "disillusioned after WWI" correct.. ANYONE?</p>
<p>Minimum raw score for 700 is 64, according to sparknotes.</p>
<p>And yes, 730 even with 6 omits haha</p>
<p>does anyone remember an answer with....collective bargaining in it?</p>
<p>was there a question on the AFL? i'm starting to forget now</p>
<p>jateer, i believe that was the answer i put</p>
<p>freezenthaw, the one with the AFL, I think the answer was "bread and butter" or something like that</p>
<p>AFL was bread and butter issues.</p>
<p>no one got collective bargaining for a new deal question??</p>
<p>I thought McCarthy went down because people in the 50's watched him on TV and just realize he was a bully.</p>
<p>The Army/McCarthy hearings were televised - that's basically what brought him down because he looked crazy.</p>
<p>I get it now. Well thats one more question I got wrong for not thinking right.</p>
<p>yeah i got collective bargaining for an answer. I'm 99% sure. The AFL was bread and butter (better wages and better hours). Was the answer cult of domesticity? because since women shaped men and children in the home, and since the cult of domesticity emphasized the home, wouldn't that be the correct answer.</p>
<p>what was the question again for that one?</p>
<p>collective barganing was for the wagner act.</p>
<p>I thought the AFL was the chioce was like nation wide unions for each industry or somehting because i rememebr during homestead the workers were affiliated with some branch of the AFL and gompers go invovled. Is it definitely bread and butter?</p>
<p>the wagner act which was a part of the new deal, no?</p>
<p>i put bread and butter but its probably wrong</p>
<p>it was indeed bread and butter</p>
<p>argh...I omitted the AFL question! I was about to put the bread and butter one but I wasn't 100% sure. damn.</p>
<p>Anyone know about the why virginia became a slave colony question?
disease caused labor shortages (this is what i put)
inexpensive source of labor</p>
<p>were those two choies or was that your reasoning?</p>
<p>i think i put the latter :(</p>
<p>those were the two choices..</p>
<p>i figured slaves were expensive (there was a graph on that in the test) so they werent an inexpensive source of labor but they were hardy against many diseases of the region, diseases which may have caused labor shortages..</p>
<p>I put inexpensive labor, but...</p>
<p>a labor shortage would make more sense because John Rolfe discovered how to successfully cultivate tobacco, and plantation owners therefore wanted as many workers as possible.</p>
<p>Then again, you only had to pay for slaves once, had them for life, and didn't have to give them land...</p>
<p>Throw the question out, ETS!</p>