June 5th SAT Score Question

<p>I am a junior, i take my first SAT june 5th </p>

<p>My aim is a 1250/1600 ( math and CR)</p>

<p>Around how many questions can i get wrong and about how many questions can i skip in the math section and then in the CR section to get a 625 in these sections?</p>

<p>I understand no one knows the exact number but I want a rough estimate</p>

<p>Math= 54(?) Questions Total
Out of 54 i can skip ___ and answer ___ incorrectly and get a score of 625.</p>

<p>CR= 67(?) Questions Total
Out of 67 i can skip ___ and answer ___ incorrectly and get a score of 625.</p>

<p>Thank You for your help,</p>

<p>no off topic answers please, if your not going to answer the question simply do not post</p>

<p>For CR, you can get a raw score of about 50/67 (depends on the curve) and get around a 620-630.</p>

<p>For math, you can get a raw score of about 41/54 and get the same.</p>

<p>You can calculate how many you can miss/skip from hereā€¦</p>

<p>thanks , i can pretty much get 11 questions wrong total for each overall section</p>