<p>I thought this was a really easy topic compared to the over-political January and March topics. I had an easy time with it.</p>
<p>thesis - better to concentrate on happiness
First example - people get obsessed with school and grades (thanks CC!)
Second example - Carton in "A Tale of Two Cities"
conclusion - great gatsby quote</p>
<p>I used a long example of a deceased relative with good vocab and only finished a page:( What do you think my best score could be without finishing another example and conclusion</p>
<p>I said happiness is better
Othello (Iago was trying to achieve happiness by framing Othello)
Great Gatsby (Gatsby tried too hard to impress a girl he was never going to have)</p>
<p>I don't know if my examples make sense haha</p>
<p>wow... i really don't listen enough in English.</p>
<p>I attributed a quote to Fitzgerald that was actually from a movie. I thought it was from the Great Gatsby because my teacher put it on the board (he always puts a quote from the chapter we're going over) while we were reading GG. At least CB doesn't care about facts, just writing.</p>
<p>1st example - les miserables jean helping make cossette happy,etc
2nd example - the great gatsby, gatsby seeking happiness for himself but ends up getting pwned by the girl's husband. (Darn it i couldn't remember gatsby's sweetheart's name nor the person she ran over. I put merill or something as a guess)
3rd example - random bs about some rich guy from sweden doing charity after gettign rich</p>
<p>1st example...gatsby was a fool....daisy buchanan was the name by the way
2nd example...robber barons gained happiness by cheating other people/doing things their own way
3rd example....pro trombone player christian lindberg cheats to gain fame, but is happiest trombone player alive (and only one not in poverty)</p>
<p>i used gatsby too lol, as well as my ap teach who wanted to become a doctor but didnt want to do something he wasnt happy with and became a teacher bla bla bla</p>
<p>i wrote about bill gates and melinda (???) charity/foundation thing, plus my own experience with the whole march of dimes thing...
i think i went off topic, no?</p>
<p>typically you want to have your literarary history ones first , then some random personal / made up junk to fill your 3rd example cause u dont have much time to write it and its easier to write if u just make it up real fast instead of trying to think of a real new exmaple</p>
<p>Does it slightly irk anyone else that so many people cite The Great Gatsby, Marther Luther King, Jr., Mohandas Gandhi, The Catcher in the Rye, or 1984 in their SAT essays, seemingly regardless of the topic at hand?</p>
<p>Granted, I'm a big fan of everything mentioned above, and the graders don't necessarily deduct points for hackneyed examples. But isn't it a shame, generally speaking, that our prompts are so broad, whereas our responses are so limited?</p>
<p>This is just my $0.02, and for what it's worth, I used Little Women, the League of Nations, and my experiences working at Target in today's essay.</p>
<p>wut was the prompt exactly about the happyiness one, was it should one focus on goals to gain happiness or make others happy or sumting like that</p>