Junior 2012 Schedule

<p>Okay.I'm freaking out here.
I just found out that I won't be getting in ApUSH.ughhhhh
that was the only ap class I was going to take. If I don't take, how much will it hurt me?
I'm taking ap classes in senior year fosho.
oh god, there's more.....
let's just assume that I won't be getting H American lit. How much will that hurt me?</p>

<p>without those two,
my schedule is as follows:
3)Tribune (newspaper)
4)Nanotechnology ( this class offers 5 points in my gpa, sort of like a ap class, but you know, without the ap title)
5)Korean 3
6)Alegbra 2</p>

<p>Not takin APUSH will be an issue. Maybe you can self study, or take the class over the summer</p>

<p>Take another ap history class if u like hiatory</p>

<p>OH…MY…GOD. Out of all the things to post this is one that’s most relatable to me. APUSH was going to be my first and only AP for junior year too (before they didn’t have enough people), AND they don’t have an H. American Lit class either (and i’m doing algebra 2 this year in addition lol). The way I handled it was to start with APES. Then senior year i’m doing either AP Lit or AP world. Good luck with whatever you choose!</p>