Junior applicant to Haas?

<p>I'm a soon-to-be sophomore planning on majoring in Economics. Just recently, I've been looking into Haas and have become curious about the program; however, since I didn't even consider it before now, I still have a crapload of courses that I would have to take (UGBA10, Haas Lit, 2 breadth) and, lacking any real ECs, I really do not feel confident applying the coming year. I talked to a Haas adviser and he basically told me that I could apply junior year instead of sophomore year because there is no unit cap. </p>

<p>So: is doing only one year of Haas really worth it?
I would have to take UGBA courses before applying so that I would not be entirely behind should i get in, and I would also be rearranging my entire schedule to fit in Haas prereqs, resulting in a lot of wasted time should I not make it. Worst case scenario, I would be rejected and would have wasted close to a semester's worth of classes taking relatively useless UGBA courses instead of courses for my intended major.</p>

<p>Does a Haas undergraduate degree make that much of a difference compared to an Economics degree if my end-all is pursuing a MBA after graduation?</p>

<p>You can’t apply to Haas as a Junior.</p>

<p>You can apply to Haas as a junior.</p>

<p>jk… xD</p>

<p>I didn’t read your post right :stuck_out_tongue:
I thought you were a junior transfer… :S</p>

<p>Yes, you can apply! Sorry!</p>

<p>And if you’re getting an MBA, your undergrad doesn’t matter :stuck_out_tongue:
[Actually a technical major is best… for specific industries ]</p>

<p>Sorry about the mix up!</p>

<p>Thanks cnat!</p>

<p>What are your plans right out of college?</p>

<p>@starrynights: yeah, I’ve heard technical majors are the most desirable, especially compsci or engineering, but I really can’t see myself succeeding in either…meh…</p>

<p>@ cnat: For the entirety of my freshmen year, I had planned on majoring Economics (something I enjoy) while eventually applying to Med school (something I could see myself doing professionally).<br>
Now, I’ve had a change of heart and am no longer pursuing medicine.
I say this because, although I’ve always known I wanted to study Economics, I had no idea what I’d do with the major once I graduate because I was so geared towards applying for Med school.<br>
I guess after I graduate I would work for a few years (what can a BA in Econ do? Work in a bank?) and then get an MBA. Grad School Econ is also an option, but I’m unsure about a graduate Econ student’s prospects post-graduation (would teaching and research be the only options?).</p>

<p>thanks for replying :)</p>

<p>anyone want to comment? input would be appreciated :)</p>