<p>I'm a junior in electical engineering and I've never had a girlfriend. The program is so hard that i have to study pretty much every waking hour. I'm not too smart either so in order to get good grades I have to study.. a lot. </p>
<p>Its just depressing to see others with relationships while I've never had one. The terms don't really get easier so I don't see myself getting a girlfriend. I don't know if I will work after graduation or go to grad school. At this rate, I'll be like 25 before i ever get a girlfriend. And after, masters who knows, maybe i'll go for a phD, so make that like 33. This is not looking good.</p>
<p>I have a really hard time balancing school work with well i guess life because as i mentioned i'm not the most talented engineer so i have to study really hard to make sure i get good grades so get a job / into grad school.</p>
<p>My son is civ eng and complains about the exact same thing.</p>
<p>He has had a couple of girl friends, one for over a year, and learned a lot from those experiences, like what to avoid! He also found that having a girlfriend was way too distracting, as his girlfriend had more time on her hands than he had, and he decided to break up with her because he also has to work hard to survive in his major.</p>
<p>What happens in your summers? If you work, try to find a job at a summer camp and hang out with the other counselors. You may not get a ‘girlfriend’, but you may pick up pointers from the female counselors about what girls like, etc. which will be very helpful when you do start dating.</p>
<p>My son also said that there are mostly males at his college, and the few ‘decent’ girls are already taken. He would like to have a girlfriend but just accepts that it will have to wait. When you finish your rigorous courseload, you will be awfully attractive to many girls who are looking for a reliable hard-working guy! Just keep that thought in mind.</p>
<p>hey ivydreamin,
sorry i dunno how to quote so…
“My son also said that there are mostly males at his college, and the few ‘decent’ girls are already taken.”
i know!!! what the heck! There are barely any girls in the class and they’re always engaged or have boyfriends!</p>
<p>“When you finish your rigorous courseload, you will be awfully attractive to many girls who are looking for a reliable hard-working guy! Just keep that thought in mind.”</p>
<p>thanks for the encouragement. I’ll definately keep that in mind!</p>
<p>a lot of girls like smart, motivated boys…you probably just haven’t found the right one yet. i think ivydreamin has the right idea in advising you to be social during the summer wherever you work, which hopefully isn’t a research lab with 2 girls to every 45 guys…</p>
<p>social jobs: waiting tables, camp counseling, grocery store retail (lots of downtime & lots of coworkers), coffee shops (there was this one guy at the starbucks near my house who’d always massively discount my coffee; he also made a nice effort to introduce himself. i thought it was sweet & probably would have gone on a date with him if he’d asked), etc.</p>
<p>lol @ ironmetal250 - As a girl, I was going to complain, but 'tis a wee bit true…</p>
<p>But don’t worry, there are some honest non-goldiggers out there. Those legendary ladies that actually want a nice guy really do exist. </p>
<p>Anywho, I’d just advise that you don’t get too wound up about it and desperate. Nothing scares people off quicker than the stench of desperation. And worse you don’t want to end up settling for ANYthing.</p>
<p>Quit living for the future. Only the present is certain; who knows when you’ll die? Social life is more important than GPA, although this ****ed up society has somehow brainwashed people otherwise.</p>
<p>And quit making excuses. I’m in Mec E so I know what it’s like. Sounds like you’re justifying your inability to get a girlfriend.</p>
<p>I got an overal 86 percentile on the ssats and my gpa is a 3.75 and im in all honors and only in 9th grade and my interviews went excellent do you think i have a good chance at making choate, deerfield, and hotchkiss?</p>