<p>i'm gonna be a freshman next year at mizzou and my roommate is a junior. does anyone have experience with this</p>
<p>Future-you does!</p>
<p>wow thanks for the help don’t post if you have nothing useful to say</p>
<p>well you have no specific question which makes it difficult to answer. of course there are too many variables in this situation to say anything for certain</p>
<p>but in general:
- he knows everything about the school already so you will get good advice
- he probably has friends already so you will make some friends that he has
- he may be uninterested in hunting for new friends with you, as freshmen normally do together, but that’s no big deal</p>
<p>Must be horrible. I’ve only heard of bad experiences as a roomate not being a freshmen. Such as a relative. Their freshmen year, roomate was either a junior or senior. When their roomate wake up for class, would wake up my relative shaking them in bed to get up. It was a daily rountine, along with other experiences. She ( my relative) said she finally, later sometime that year switch halls. She suggest to have a roommate who’s a freshmen.</p>
<p>Yeah, having a random junior roommate, rather than a random freshman roommate, means with certainty that the “junior” will wake you up each morning by violently shaking you into consciousness. Worst post ever, Coolbrezze. Omega Fail.</p>
<p>I heard if you are an incoming freshman and your roommate is a junior you get hazed really bad. One of my friends had this and his junior roommate would beat him with a wiffle ball bat while he tried to sleep, his grades suffered. Another would get beer sprayed in their face while they tried to study. He wouldn’t stop until he drank a glass full of bear ****.</p>
<p>Seriously, you have nothing to worry about. He’s your roommate not your lover, you can make other friends if you want. If anything he’ll be able to hook you up with booz.</p>
<p>No, this was advice I was given by others. I don’t see how having a upperclassmen a roomate when your a freshmen a advantage anyway. I’m not saying change roommates now, though wouldn’t be surprise if things be negative.</p>
<p>I feel bad for the junior. I wouldn’t want a freshman roommate.</p>
<p>^ Yeah…if I was a junior I wouldn’t want a freshman roommate. </p>
<p>I highly doubt your experience will be like the person Coolbrezze knows…the whole shaking her to wake up every morning was probably a ploy by the junior to get the freshman to switch rooms because they didn’t want a freshman roommate. Immature, but that’s probably why.</p>
<p>It really just depends on the person and whether they’re going to resent having a freshman roomate or not.</p>
<p>you’ll immediately have the hook ups with the 21+
if u get along that is…so take it as a good thing.</p>
<p>As a freshmen, having a junior roommate and having a freshmen roommate are two complete different experiences.</p>
<p>I would be a little weirded out that they were still signing up for a random roommate by then… the only upperclassmen I know who are living with freshman are either transfer students or majorly antisocial.</p>
<p>or immature</p>
<p>how does that make them ‘immature’? seriously. that’s the stupidest thing i’ve heard</p>
<p>Its definitely better to live with another freshman, since you will be going through the same things together, rather than a junior who will have their own friends and everything.</p>