Junior Schedule Help

<p>Hey Guys</p>

<p>You can refer to the following post for my current schedule:
<a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/high-school-life/618721-what-classes-you-currently-taking.html?highlight=Physics#post1061487818[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/high-school-life/618721-what-classes-you-currently-taking.html?highlight=Physics#post1061487818</a></p>

<p>So which of the following schedules would you guys recommend for Junior year? </p>

<li><p>AP English Language
AP US History
AP Statistics
AP Spanish
AP Environmental Science
AP Psychology
Multivariable/Linear/Diff at the local CC</p></li>
<li><p>AP English Language
AP US History
AP Statistics
AP Spanish
AP Chemistry
Multivariable/Linear/Diff at the local CC</p></li>
<li><p>AP English Language
AP US History
AP Statistics
AP Spanish
AP Environmental Science
AP Chemistry
Multivariable/Linear/Diff at the local CC</p></li>
<li><p>AP English Language
AP US History
AP Statistics
AP Spanish
AP Environmental Science
Multivariable/Linear/Diff at the local CC
Post AP Level Physics at the local CC</p></li>

<p>Along with my course work, I am president of a handful of clubs, play 3 seasons of varsity sports/year, volunteer, am an official on some city and school district boards, organize math contests, participate in a wide variety of competitions (next year: AMC series, USABO, USAPho, BAMO, SMT, Siemens, NACLO), etc…so I was wondering which of the above stated schedules would be the most feasible for me, as I intend to take my standardized tests next year too. Thanks =)</p>

<p>Depends on what you want…I personally would say 4 as I prefer physics over chem or psych, but 1 and 3 are solid too. Just out of curiosity why does 2 only have 7 classes?</p>

<p>lol only 7? 7 is the max at my school, there’s no block scheduling…</p>

<li>AP English Language
AP US History
AP Statistics
AP Spanish
AP Environmental Science
Multivariable/Linear/Diff at the local CC
Post AP Level Physics at the local CC</li>

<p>If you can pull this off, you’re golden. Make sure that have you time to relax though :)</p>

<p>No I mean all the others have 8 classes listed, but #2 only has 7</p>

<p>ur school as ap environmental scie and ap psych?

<p>Of the four choices given, either 3 or 4. I like 4 better because physics > chemistry, but I’m not sure how much that’ll cut into your contest study time, as I don’t know the difficulty of said college course.</p>

<p>(Squeeze in AP Java, and take the ACSL contests. Then your subject leagues would be complete).</p>

<p>forget environmental science. replace with ap chem.</p>

<p>Thanks for all of the input guys =)
Sadly, 4 won’t work out since I can’t fit an extra CC course into my schedule…so that narrows it down to 1,2, and 3</p>

<p><a href=“Squeeze%20in%20AP%20Java,%20and%20take%20the%20ACSL%20contests.%20Then%20your%20subject%20leagues%20would%20be%20complete”>quote</a>.


<p>lol, I’d love to take some CompSci, but my school doesn’t offer it, we have a rather lackluster list of AP courses…nyways I’m slightly more of a humanities type of guy and need to find a balance between math/science and the humanities</p>



<p>Well, I have a little less than 70 credits remaining (out of 240ish) so I can take as few as 4 classes or as many as 8 classes next year</p>



<p>haha yeah we do, although i would much rather have more history aps</p>



<p>the only problem i have with ap chem is that no one in my school’s history has pulled off an ‘A’ the first semester in ap chem and the pass rate on the ap exam was like ~20% last year…</p>

<p>consider taking this
[ISIS</a> - Course Detail](<a href=“http://isis5.uiowa.edu/isis/courses/details.page?ddd=22M&ccc=050&sss=EXZ&session=20088]ISIS”>http://isis5.uiowa.edu/isis/courses/details.page?ddd=22M&ccc=050&sss=EXZ&session=20088)</p>

<p>it’s a fun class and you could probably do well :wink:
and the instructor is pretty lenient about letting you take it without prerequisites</p>

<p>Good luck with the worst year of your life</p>

<p>Hm…thanks fizix, i’ll look into that
And tashers, I doubt it’s going to be worse than my sophomore year, as I already took 3 of the 4 hardest classes offered at my school =)</p>

<p>I’d say two.</p>

<p>Don’t waste your time taking APES at school…self-study it and waste less time on it :)</p>

<p>Are you going to take multicalc, linear, or diffeq? Or all three?</p>

<p>Most likely all three (but at least two in case the third doesn’t fit in my schedule)</p>

<li>AP English Language
AP US History
AP Statistics
AP Spanish
AP Environmental Science
Multivariable/Linear/Diff at the local CC
Post AP Level Physics at the local CC</li>

<p>college classes are legit. do it. I’m a junior taking apcomp, apush, ap spanish, multi/linear, post ap level physics as well. though I don’t do any USA__ stuff :[
good luck with ap spanish. its impossible. im going to fail the test gahh
college level math/science will be fun though</p>

<p>pick 2. No joke classes, and one class less than your other options. believe me, Junior year is stressful enough. the last thing you want is to take one class too many. AP enviro sci is a joke anyway, it will just eat up your precious time.</p>

<li>AP English Language
AP US History
AP Statistics
AP Spanish
AP Environmental Science
AP Chemistry
Multivariable/Linear/Diff at the local CC</li>

<p>btw you’re looking godlike for college admissions. I mean like academic likely letter from Yale godlike…</p>

<p>Let me see, #3 is essentially #2 + environmental science, right?</p>

<p>Whichever one you pick out of those, it’ll be godly anyways…</p>

<p>If I were you I’d actually pick the easiest one out of the 3, so you can relax more - you’re already guaranteed to any college you desire, so why not chill and have some fun?</p>



<p>Thanks I’d be absolutely thrilled to just get into a college of Yale’s caliber lol</p>



<p>Haha, idk about geing “guaranteed into any college i desire” but I’ll make sure to work that fun into my schedule =)</p>