Junior transfer chance me!

applied to Humboldt, UCSC, UCSD, UCI (and some others OOS but irrelevant) so what do you think my odds for those are?
Major: Psychology
Gpa: 3.73
Extracurriculars: off-campus job, childcare volunteering, psych TA, some past internships not relevant to psych (unfortunately my university doesn’t have much endowment in the area which I mentioned in my essays)
Job experience: worked 25-35 hrs a week
Fasfa/income bracket: 0 EFC, PELL recipient
State/Country: CA resident, though attending an OOS private
Any extra strengths or any important weaknesses?: Began college at 14, I’m currently 16. Raised by a single mother, CA resident, first gen immigrant
TAG: no, but IGETC completed, and prereqs for psych

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