Junior transfer chance me?

applied to Humboldt, UCSC, UCSD, UCI (and some others OOS but irrelevant) so what do you think my odds for those are?
Major: Psychology
Gpa: 3.73
Extracurriculars: off-campus job, childcare volunteering, psych TA, some past internships not relevant to psych (unfortunately my university doesn’t have much endowment in the area which I mentioned in my essays)
Job experience: worked 25-35 hrs a week
Fasfa/income bracket: 0 EFC, PELL recipient
State/Country: CA resident, though attending an OOS private
Any extra strengths or any important weaknesses?: Began college at 14, I’m currently 16. Raised by a single mother, CA resident, first gen immigrant
TAG: no, but IGETC completed, and prereqs for psych

Check this link to see how you compare: Transfers by major | University of California

Unfortunately the transfers by major doesn’t offer great OOS stats, but from what those charts show (I’ve been checking those for a while) I believe my GPA is adequate/above for every school I’ve applied to/my alternate major in each school

The only issue I see is that as an OOS transfer (even though you are a CA resident), you will have the lowest priority in the transfer process. You are definitely qualified so best of luck.

How are you able to complete IGETC if you are not at a California community college?

IGETC isn’t specific classes, it’s just course requirements (2 writing, 4 social/others can’t remember, and 1 math i believe, this is off the top of my head) and i have them completed. i spoke to UCSD admissions abt it

Unfortunately so, that’s why i’m so worried. but i did mention in my essays that i need to be back in state for a few reasons, mainly financial, so i guess i’ll have to wait and see.
Are my odds likely or unlikely for the ones listed?

However, IGETC is certified by the California community college you transfer from.

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In the UC app, they asked me to input the classes I took that meet the IGETC requirements. obviously i’m not in an articulation program but that’s what i did and that’s what UCSD admissions (which i visited in person) told me to do - as long as they meet the requirements listed on their site, which they do.

If my GPA falls within 50th-75th percentile for the majors I want at these, would that make me equivalent to a 25th-50th percentile in state transfer?

I really have no idea how OOS GPA compares to in-state admits but if your GPA is within the 50th-75th percentile of admitted students, you are competitive.

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Since you are still a minor and your parents remained in CA, you may be considered in-state. Not my expertise but, I’d get to the bottom of that before getting too much further.

keep in mind there is ZERO need based aid for OOS transfers.

I’d think the high end of the range suggests you are competitive. Getting the required courses mapped from an OOS private may be a challenge.

Have you been in contact with admissions at your target school?

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Since OP has a parent that is a CA resident, they will be considered in-state for tuition purposes but attending an OOS University, they will put in the OOS transfer bucket.

How are you going to pay for these colleges?

OP is a CA resident just attending an OOS university currently, so they would get in-state rates if accepted.

I understand they would get instate rates….but the CA colleges aren’t free. Their EFC is $0 and they are Pell eligible. Even adding the full Pell and the $7500 Direct loan…that would be about $13,500. Don’t the CA publics cost more than that per year? Student will have some kind of living expenses.

Deleted my original response and waiting for clarification from OP if these schools are affordable even with in-state rates.

OP can you clarify if the California schools will be affordable since it appears you did not graduate from a CA HS so would not be eligible for Cal grants?

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Unfortunately for this student she wasn’t exposed to HS guidance via counselors in a California school setting for much time and has had really poor guidance in her college process. Because of several factors, she wouldn’t be eligible for a Cal Grant for several reasons:

*This student did not graduate from California High school and, instead, chose to do an early college program, out of state, before graduating from a California HS online program or gaining a high school diploma, from a private or public high school.
*Hence, she has no recorded GPA documented in any California high school district.
*She does not have a history of completion of three years of high school, leading to a high school diploma or equivalent in California.
*She has not attended a California Community college and received an AA nor completed a certified IGETC.

A Cal Grant would not be an option because of the several missteps that occurred and are lacking for Cal Grant recipients.
It’s unfortunate for her because there are so many ways to go about getting funded but she’s lacking a lot of state requirements.
She would be eligible for Pell Grant and anything else that’s federally related like work-study and loans but most costs would have to be on her family and her part time work.