Junior Year Classes and University Goals

This is my class load so far…
AP Eng Comp
AP 2D Art (Photo)
AICE US History
AP Human Geo
AP Chem
AP Psych online (flvs)

Is it decent enough to get into a school like Rice or Emory…or even a school like Brown?
AICE is same credit and rigor as an ap class as well (at least in florida) most out of state do not accept AICE however AICE math is more difficult than AP Calc at my school
I understand EC and scores count as well but just CLASS wise

You need a foreign language class.
If AICE math is harder at your school but not recognized out of Florida and you’re planning to apply out of Florida, why are you taking aice math? What’s your end goal with math?

I took foreign languages, I am done with the credit. My school will not let me out of AICE math

Have you reached level 4 or AP?
The basic high school graduation requirement is very different from the elite university requirement.

If your AICE math course covers calculus, could you also take an AP calculus exam at the end of the year?

I have to take calculus next year apparently but I could find out and maybe skip AB right to BC, if you get an A or B on the aice math exam you skip to BC

No I haven’t but I am fluent in turkish and trying ti get it certified somehow

Without that certification you’ll be ineligible for most selective universities. Foreign language is a core class for colleges.

I’d recommend picking up a language again… especially if you’re looking at an elite university, language is important. However, most unversities are fine with 3 years of a language, so if you take one this year, you should be fine your senior year without a language. 2 years looks quite suspect to me though. I don’t know if you’ll have much luck certifying your proficiency in Turkish, since colleges really look at your courseload to find our your foreign languages. I’m fluent in an Indian dialect, but I still took 3 years of Spanish to meet the elite university requirement. I have fluent Spanish speaking friends who have taken 3-4 years of Spanish as well in high school for those colleges. I’d strongly recommend dropping an AP for a language, and taking that AP next year instead. Probably just do the one you need/want to take the least.