Junior Year has been HELL!!!

<p>In the beginning of the year I expected Junior year to be my best year. Boy was I wrong. I've never had so much difficulty with my AP classes before. AP Physics B makes me want to smash my head into concrete over and over again (I'm planning to switch to Honors next Semester), AP US History is a pain (I know all the essential facts, dates, etc. but all those are meaningless unless you "analyze" them), and AP English Language is annoying beyond belief (I had an essay due the day I became deathly ill of the flu, I forgot to turn it in electronically and I received an F for it :(). I'm beginning to be really worried. My goal for this year was to reach a 3.5 UW/4.2 W GPA by Senior year but I'm afraid it's not going to happen with the way Junior year has been. My dream college is Columbia (followed by Duke, Carngie Mellon, and Notre Dame) but I know I'm not getting into any of those schools without an excellent GPA and 3.25 isn't going to cut it. The annoying part is that all my other stats are fine (SAT, APs (4 so far), ECs, Leadership) but my GPA is a killer. I'm taking online course to help salvage my grade, though. </p>

<p>Sorry I just felt like ranting out my stress. Any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. Do you guys think that I would be able to get into my dream colleges if I pull up my grades?</p>


<p>A below 3.5 gpa makes things very tough for the colleges you are interested in. It would certainly help if you qualify for National Merit (since you say your SAT is good). But, you need to do everything you can to do well in your classes. Consider tutoring, asking your teachers for extra credit, etc.</p>

<p>Thanks for the feedback, dignified1. Do you think a GPA of at least 3.5 and an SAT of about 2150 could get me through to the colleges I want.</p>

<p>It certainly wouldn’t hurt, but, as you certainly know, even 2400s, 4.0 gpa kids aren’t a lock for any of those universities. My D is applying to two of your “dream” colleges right now, and we just don’t know what will happen. Does anyone?</p>

<p>thanks again dignified1. Anyone else care to comment.</p>


<p>No one is a shoo-in for any of the colleges you listed, as dignified1 shared above. When it comes to pulling up your grade, just do what you’ve always done: extra credit, make up assignments, groveling, bribery, et cetera. :)</p>

<p>Don’t blow a gasket over this. Step back, breathe, and remember that staying calm is best in any crisis. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>^Thanks for the advice, ksarmand. It’s put me in a calmer mood :).</p>