So, I’m currently a sophomore, and need help deciding what I’m going to take for the next two year. My school’s on block scheduling, so taking things like AP Bio and Chem in the same year is possible without wanting to die 
For My Junior Year I pretty much have to take
French III H
English III H
Lib and Law H
AP Calc AB
AP Bio
And Senior Year
Grammar and Comp or AP Lit
AP Calc BC
Anatomy and Phis
So I have 5 “free” blocks to spend on whatever I want. I’m looking at either rejoining my school’s art program, or loading up on science and math classes. I could take:
Graphic Design I
Graphic Design II
Creative Writing
And Science Wise
AP Physics I
AP Physics II
AP Chem
AP Stats
I’m genuinely not sure what to take. While I love science, I’m not sure if I’m wiling to take so many science classes that I don’t even enjoy it anymore. I love art, but I don’t think I’d want to make a career out of it. I’m just sort of in an awkward position, and I’m not really sure what to do. I don’t want colleges to think that I’m rejoining my art classes Junior year just for an “easier” class, instead of based off genuine interest. What should I do?
I’m a sophomore rn too and I had this prob lol. basically I coordinated elective classes with my friends. my whole friend group will be taking AP bio, world, lang, and calc next year together so that we can support each other during the many all-nighters that we’re probably gonna pull. we all want to be doctors of some sort one day so we’re taking a lot of science classes. so it may help your decision if you decide on a major or career too 
I’m looking at something STEM related, probably either in biology, chemistry, or mathematics.
Can’t you do some of each elective category?
okay, so if you’re interested in mostly stem stuff, id say go with AP Physics 1, Chem, & Stats. physics is hell so I doubt you’ll want to take physics 2 lol but you never know, you might like it. but anyway do art in the remaining electives. (2 art classes)
What are Lib&Law, Mi, and BI???
You should take French 4 senior year, it’s a marker of academic rigor to go up to level 4 or AP in a foreign language.
If you’re hoping to be premed, take AP Chem senior year instead of Anatomy&Physiology (which is unrelated to anything you’ll do as a premed and is better for students preparing for nursing school) and AP Phys 1 junior or senior year (not in the same block as the other science AP!!!)
Add one art class each year.
French III H
English III H
Lib and Law H
AP Calc AB
AP Bio
AP Phys 1
And Senior Year
Grammar and Comp or AP Lit
AP Calc BC
AP Chem
French IV
Elective (whatever striks your fancy for your last semester in HS, or even early release)
Lib and Law H is just a required history course for juniors.
MI and BI are biomedical science classes, and a affiliated with the engineering PLTW classes.
As far as taking French IV goes… I don’t think I’m able to. Our French classes are divided into for levels (1-6). French 1 and 2 are offered every year no problem. French III is offered next year, along with French 4, but 4 only offered first semester. My senior year French 5 and 6 are taught, but not 4 or 5. Therefore, I can’t get to my fourth level, as I would be unable to get the prerequisite completed before it is offered.
Could you take Level 4 first semester Junior Year, and Level 5 first semester senior year?
In addition, even if you just take Level 4, it’s still better than stopping at 2 or 3.
The problem is, 3 and 4 next year are offered first semester, and I’m not allowed to take them at the same time. French 4 isn’t offered second semester of my junior year, or any time my senior year.
You’d take 3 next year, but bring it up to your counselor because you can’t be the only French 3 student who won’t be able to take 4 during the school year … Do they have a summer option since only 5 will be offered next fall?
No, only French 1 is offered over the summer. Our school fired one of our French teachers last year due to budget cuts, so our schedule with our remaining teacher is weird.
Perhaps, if there’s sufficient demand, they’ll re-hire the French teacher that was let go?
I don’t know, hiring then firing a teacher one year off and on seems far-fetched. I’ll try to see if I can get enough kids, but that’s out of my hands. If I can’t get French back, what should I do with my remaining credit? And would not having French kill my chances for getting into a top college?
you’d have to include on your “brag sheet” for you GC that you wanted to take it but due to budget cuts the class was “lost”, and the GC would have to make sure to include it on his/her recommendation for holistic colleges. For non holistic colleges it may be a bit of a problem but still okay.
You can always take Fr2 and Fr3 at a local community college, that’s considered equivalent to reaching Level 4 in HS, but it depends whether you’re even able to access one and whether your district pays for dual enrollment…
As for hiring then letting go then hiring back a teacher… isn’t so far fetched, especially if the teacher can operate out of two schools for instance. It sounds like the Fr3 students are going to be stuck in the current arrangement, so you can’t be alone in needing/wanting level 4, either for the state flagship, honors college&scholarship, or for top colleges.