Course selections are due in a few days and I really don’t know what to do. These are the two options I have:
Religion 3
AP calculus AB
AP English language
AP chemistry
AP 2D studio art
Religion 3
AP calculus AB
AP English language
Physics honors
AP environmental science
AP 2D studio art
I’ve been offered the editor in chief in yearbook and I really need some leadership credentials but I don’t know if taking APUSH and AP Chem will be too overwhelming.
Any help is appreciated :))
I really depends on the things you are interested on. Don’t overwhelm yourself just to look appealing to colleges. If you have a interest in Science definitely take honors chem, and the same goes for History. Just really focus on being the best at what you love.
Have you had any AP’s so far? Will you have a study hall? APUSH can be time consuming and have heard AP Studio Art can be as well. Check with others on the teachers. A good teacher will make the class better. A poor one could make it very difficult. Good luck!
Have you taken Honors Chemistry?
If you take AP Chem next year, will you be able to take Honors Physics senior year?
If you don’t take AP Chem next year, and take Honors Physics, what class will you take senior year?
Everything else is fine.
I’m taking 4 honors and 1 AP class right now (there’s only one AP offered to sophomores). I’m taking honors chem this year and I have an A in it. For the first option, I would take AP Physics senior year. For the second option, I would take either AP Bio or APES.
Ok, good plan.
Now, which one is best depends on what you see yourself doing in college (I realize this is very much in flux, since even college freshmen, 80% of them, change their minds