Hey CC, I was just wondering if anyone could give me some advice on my junior year schedule! I hope to go to school for math and/or business in the future and I am aiming for top schools. Thanks!
AP US History 2
Business Administration and Management
AP Calculus BC (Math is my strongest subject, self studied AP Stats, took precalc out of school, current learning a little bit of number theory and linear algebra in my free time. idk if I wanna self study this and move into something higher)
AP Lang and Composition
AP Physics 1 (can’t wait for this, seems really interesting)
Honors French 4
Digital Photography (either this or AP History of Art but I feel like photography will be easier and more fun)
What type of advice do you need? I think your schedule is maintains its rigor for a junior. Have you taken physics honors class (pre-class before the AP)? And photography is a fine elective to have. You don’t need to overdo yourself junior year with 5 APs!
Great schedule. Don’t skip BC but if you do well with math you could take calc1 at a UC over the summer, then calc2 at the same cc in the fall, then any if the many math classes that’d be open to you.
^ very ambitious. No need to self study apes unless you’re fascinatedwith the topic. (it won’t 'impress ’ adcoms and it won’t help your application.)
At the local college, take classes that show you’re intellectually curious and versatile, such as art, cultural anthropology, etc.
You may want to try to take a math class senior year at a college once you’ve completed BC, but other than that, why do you need to take classes at the local college? @MYOS1634, I imagine @rparekh’s high school has art classes, why go to the trouble of traveling to a college and paying tuition to take them? If s/he likes art, swap out “Leadership”, whatever that is.
The idea of self-studying AP classes in an attempt to impress colleges simply won’t die here on cc, but really, they do know what the “easy” APs are and you aren’t going to impress them with that. Find something more worthwhile to do with your spare time.
^because many colleges have a wide variety of choices most high schools don’t have, from the history of Rock’n Roll in America to African Art to Art&Gaming to Architecture of the World.