<p>Post yours from the college you want to attend the most and when/why you started to like the school or apply to the school.
I'm just curious btw.</p>
<p>Here's mine:
1. Yale, even though I realize it is highly unlikely. My aunt attended the school, she used to tell me stories about it and I wanted her to take me to a Harvard/Yale game. This was when I was a little kid and I didn't even know Yale was elite or prestigious.
2. Brown. I know a few students there because it is one of the most popular colleges for the students at my school. Anyway I visited the campus and loved it.
3. Princeton. Dad's an alumnus and I attended a reunion, it was wicked :D
4. Stanford, it's a "personal" story. Basically I have an attachment to the school
5. Columbia because... just because :)</p>
<li>George Wash. U!!!</li>
<li>American U!!!</li>
<li>University of VA/ UMN- Twin Cities </li>
<li>local CC!!! (:</li>
<li>Carnegie Mellon- Close enough to home to be convenient, yet it is still a great school.</li>
<li>Cornell- Told myself I would apply to at least one ivy, so Cornell is my pick.</li>
<li>Case Western- Close to home, good school, and a pit of a safety.</li>
<li>Ohio State- What ohioan doesn’t love Ohio State?</li>
<li>Ohio Wesleyan- Good placement in grad schools. They want me to golf there. Semiclose</li>
<p>1/2. Ohio State Honors/University of Pennsylvania Wharton - I know I’ll get into OSU, and I’m pretty sure I’ll get into the Honors College. If I get into Wharton, I will have a tough decision to make (especially in terms of $).
3. Northwestern - Dad’s an alum, and I like Chicago. Who doesn’t love Big Ten sports as well?
4. Wash U in St. Louis - They keep sending me emails and info brochures, so I may as well give them a look.
5. Cornell - the closest Ivy to Cleveland, and not one that I would have no shot of getting into.</p>
<li>Columbia - My dream school. I’ve lived in the South my whole life, and I seriously need a change of pace. Plus, I really love the idea of the Core, and I don’t want to study strictly engineering topics in college.</li>
<li>Carnegie Mellon - Awesome engineering, cool city. </li>
<li>UC Berekeley - Same as 2.</li>
<li>Duke - Really close to home, and well, it’s Duke. Pratt is amazing. Also, they have wall to wall white boards. Nifty. </li>
<li>UNC Chapel Hill - also very close to home, and basically everyone from my high school goes there.</li>
<li>Cornell - It’s sort of the family school, so I’d like to join them in having that experience. I really love the campus and the school though. The hockey there is like nothing else. </li>
<li>Hamilton - When I visited, it gave me that feeling. I just loved it. Small classes, great campus, just awesome. </li>
<li>Washington & Lee - I really like the whole southern thing they have going on. Good history dept. and nice merit aid programs. </li>
<li>UVa. - See above minus merit aid. Also pretty good sports. Seems like a really well rounded school in terms of academic and social. </li>
<li>Toss up between a whole bunch of schools. </li>
<p>This is all just today though, tomorrow it could be different.</p>
<li>Harvard–typical dream school</li>
<li>Princeton–its closeby and the campus is really nice and the environment is good too; students all seem relatively happy</li>
<li>Johns Hopkins–I’d like to do med here
4.Columbia—seems like a pretty school</li>
<li>NYU—see above</li>
<li><p>Harvard – Very intrigued by the idea of being able to have two “concentrations” so I can sort of study two different subject areas simultaneously and find interrelationships between both. My intended concentrations are German and political science (which is simply known as ‘Government’ at Harvard), so I guess it makes sense too.
Also heard that the Boston/Cambridge area is very nice. Huge plus for me is the Widener Library! I most likely won’t get in here, though.</p></li>
<li><p>Columbia – Somebody mentioned the Core earlier, and I agree with them wholeheartedly. Plus, there’s the whole excitement of living in NYC, as well as having plenty of awesome internship and study abroad opportunities. Compared to Harvard, it’s probably also slightly easier for me to get in. </p></li>
<li><p>UChicago – I visited the city of Chicago and loved it. They also seem to offer pretty good courses in my intended majors, and while this school has a reputation for being intellectually demanding, I really wouldn’t mind it at all. I’ll be majoring in the humanities, so I guess this makes a slight difference.</p></li>
<li><p>Stanford – Lovely weather, gorgeous campus, generally happy student body… what’s not to like? Don’t know too much about their programs in my intended major(s), but it seems to be more of an engineering/science-oriented school. </p></li>
<li><p>UC Berkeley – Also relatively nice weather (located in California), access to a great deal of resources. Though it’s a public university, it’s definitely one of the best ones out there. Admittedly, I don’t know too much about this one either…</p></li>
<li>UChicago-heard of it after PSATs. Love their quirkiness. Campus is beautiful. And one of the best economics program in the nation. </li>
<li>Brown-Probably not going to apply because it’s not that well suited for my intended major, but I just love how they’re so liberal with their core. </li>
<li>NYU Stern-city life may be hard to adjust to for me, but I will be experiencing a lot of culture while getting a good education. </li>
<li>UPenn Wharton-has an undergraduate business program. If I get in (which is highly unlikely) I’ll probably ditch economics for this. </li>
<li>Rutgers/other schools- Because all Jersey kids go to Rutgers. Plus Rutgers actually isn’t bad considering it’s a state school
Oh and it’s not too expensive.</li>
<p>In no particular order:</p>
<p>Haha, Chicago sends you fuzzy scarves after you get in, AND you’ll have the fun of tackling their essay questions.</p>
<li>Carnegie Mellon University</li>
<li>Georgia Tech</li>
<li>University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign</li>
<li>Purdue University</li>
<li>Bucknell University</li>
<p>Some other schools I’m pretty interested in (no order): Northwestern, Lehigh, Lafayette, Villanova, Rose Hulman, RPI, Johns Hopkins, Cornell</p>
<p>As of right now:</p>
<p>1.) Bowdoin
2.) Yale
3.) University of Chicago
4.) Columbia
5.) Macalester</p>
<p>As of now (although I only visited two colleges, so this will probably change) in alphabetical order:</p>
<p>Case Western Reserve: Traveling to this one would be a pain.
Claremont McKenna: I could sell my soul for an internship, but probably not a keg. Nonetheless, I think I’d fit in there.
Connecticut College: I love the campus and like its academic foci.
Rice: I should apply to at least one city school.
Vassar: It seems similar to Conn College in some ways.</p>
<p>Other’s of interest: Johns Hopkins, Lafayette, Haverford, Villanova, UCONN, SUNY Binghamton, Fordham.</p>
<p>Well I’m a sophomore…</p>
<p>But in no particular order my top three:</p>
<p>1) Stanford
2) Yale
3) Georgetown</p>
<p>I’ve fallen in love with these schools. /Sigh.</p>
<p>Not a single person has mentioned MIT or Caltech yet?</p>
<p>( I’m just stereotyping LOL.)</p>
<p>MIT & Caltech= No social life :P</p>
<p>And if you’re a girl then you’re lucky since there are more guys than girls hahaha. J/K ;]</p>
<li>UC Davis</li>
<li>UC Berkeley</li>
<li>Johns Hopkins</li>
<li>UC San Diego</li>
<li>Suny Binghaamton</li>
<li>Penn State</li>