<p>Hello! I am a rising junior located in southern california.
Ok so one this page
<a href=“https://you.ubc.ca/ubc/vancouver/uscurric.ezc[/url]”>https://you.ubc.ca/ubc/vancouver/uscurric.ezc</a>
It states that for applies science (engineering) you need 2 full years of physics and chemistry. Unfortunately my school only offers chemistry/honors chemistry so that’s only one year of chemistry. Also I don’t think I can go from honors physics to ap physics, so this year I’m taking ap bio and then senior year ap physics, so I’m only able to take one year of physics. I don’t have time to go to night classes since I volunteer in the evenings. Will I be unable to apply for engineering? </p>
<p>What’s it like for an american there? After I graduate would i be able to find a job?</p>
<p>I’m african american. Are there a lot of blacks at UBC? Will I face a lot of racism?</p>
<p>Does it snow? Do people wear rainboots?</p>
<p>Thanks :)</p>
<p>1) What you can do is you can apply for the Faculty of Science and then transfer to Applied Science in your 2nd year. Alternatively, you can give Enrolment Services a call and tell them about your situation, and they should be able to direct you in the right direction.</p>
<p>2) There are quite a few Americans here, most of whom are from California. You’ll fit in fine. Finding a job in Canada typically requires a few things, like permanent residence/citizenship, a SIN number, etc… International House and Jump Start are programs/advising offices here that would be able to help you with job prospects as an international student.</p>
<p>3) In general, there are not a lot of blacks here in British Columbia, but do keep in mind that BC is very open minded and UBC even more so. We are very welcoming here, don’t worry :)</p>
<p>4) It snows very rarely, probably once or twice a year. People wear rainboots because it rains a lot, but you’ll find lots of people that won’t even bother with them.</p>
<p>If you have any other questions, feel free to PM me.</p>
<p>Wow you are amazing 
Thank you so much</p>