just a sport administration in graduate school

<p>hey,im a undergraduate student now,but i want to apply for a graduate schools which have sport administration major. i just want the most specialty schools. anyhow thank you for your reply.</p>

<p>Are you planning a career in sports administration? It strikes me that that’s a field that needs practical work experience more than a graduate degree. Often,niche degrees pigeon hole students. I’d say you’re better off getting an MBA or management type degree. For instance, do you know any sports field professionals who hold grad or undergrad degrees in the thing? What do they recommend? I suspect they’d say general business – not the niche degree.</p>

<p>Just saying…</p>

<p>well, actually im a chinese student, and my major is sports economics, so i have searched about the sport administration major for a long time, cause i think in the us i will have more chances to learn the specific in this field. you know, my professor is a totally chinese professor, and he doesn’t hold a degree as the sports field in the us, so no one can give me any experience about it. i</p>