<p>not a top pick of mine. but if i get in I will really consider it.. any idea on chances</p>
<p>User Name: badassbass016
Gender: F
College Class Year: 2014
High School: Public
High School Type: sends many grads to top schools</p>
<p>GPA - Unweighted: 3.20
GPA - Weighted: 3.80
Class Rank: top 50%
Class Size: 700</p>
<p>SAT I Math: 700
SAT I Critical Reading: 530
SAT I Writing: 630
ACT: 27
SAT II Math Level 1 (IC): 720
SAT II Math Level 2 (IIC): 650
SAT II Biology - M: 620</p>
<p>Significant Extracurriculars: Band
Leadership positions: Band Historian
Band Leadership Team
Volunteer/Service Work: Tutoring for 300 hours
Honors and Awards: National Honor Society
Math Honor Society</p>
<p>Colleges of Interest:</p>
<p>College: New York University, Choice #: 1, ED/EA: Yes, Athlete: No, Legacy: No, Status: Rejected
College: Northeastern University, Choice #: 2, ED/EA: Yes, Athlete: No, Legacy: No, Status: Applied/Pending
College: Boston University, Choice #: 3, ED/EA: Yes, Athlete: No, Legacy: No, Status: Will Apply
College: University of Maryland, College Park, Choice #: 4, ED/EA: No, Athlete: No, Legacy: No, Status: Will Apply
College: Southern Methodist University, Choice #: 10, ED/EA: No, Athlete: No, Legacy: No, Status: Applied/Pending</p>
<p>Desired College Characteristics:</p>
<p>Location type: Urban
Size: Medium (5,000 - 10,000), Large (10,000 - 18,000)</p>
<p>Area: East Coast
Importance of cost: Secondary</p>