
<p>help trying to narrow down my list of colleges, and i want to apply somewhere in miami b/c its closest to home and has great wheather..</p>

<p>-from puerto rico, lower middle class, from a small town. english is 2nd language.</p>

<p>gpa is 4.0 (out of 4.0)</p>

<p>1910 SATs which is quite low but i hope i did better last saturday
top score in my class on the college entrance exam in puerto rico (not the SAT but also by the College Board) which wont count for anything but im sure my teachers will love to mention on my rec. letters (the college board gives an award for this but not until graduation)
ive taken the most advanced classes my school has to offer ( no APs cos my school doesnt have them)
national honor society member-president of my school's nhs
vice president of the science club
student council member
school recycling program coordinator
honor roll throughout high school</p>

<p>eight years of classical guitar education, played in a bunch of different ensembles in school and elsewhere (classical guitar quartet, popular music workshop, school choir guitarist and assistant to the music teacher...)
played soccer for the last two years
member of community group that promotes consciousness about environmental issues</p>

<p>part time job at a local surf shop ...</p>

<p>i went to a journalism program at penn state summer before last, and to a biotech program at a university here last summer...
what are my chances at miami?</p>