Just chillin. Chance?

<p>I'm into a few schools already, so I'm not too worried, but I was just wondering what you think my chances are of getting into:
Penn State
Penn State Schreyers Honors College (suggested deadline past, but I might still submit one if I have a chance?)
Virginia Tech
University of Maryland
NC State
UNC Chapel-Hill (I'm mostly interested in this, even though I get a decision in like a week or so haha)</p>

<p>All pretty much big state schools. For some reason I just figured I didn't have a chance at better schools, even though some kids at my school with worse academics and such just received admission from Cornell and even one from MIT.</p>

<p>I'm a male from a large public school in Maryland.</p>

<p>SAT: M:750, CR:650, W:670 Essay:9</p>

<p>GPA - UW: 3.74, W:4.38
I don't know class rank (not that high in GPA, but I think it's like one of the top 5 SAT scores in my school)</p>

<p>AP scores: CompSci A - 4, Us Gov't and Politics - 4, Calc BC - 3, Calc AB subscore - 3.</p>

<p>Awards and Honors:
AP Scholar
Honor Roll
Scholar Athlete
Maryland Distinguished Scholar
Final Fronteir Science Fair Certificate of Merit (this was in like 9th grade and I just like found it one day. I don't really remember what it is haha.)</p>

Mock Trial
Varsity Mens Tennis(10-maybe 12) Captain 11
Founding Member of a Ultimate Frisbee club at our school
Yearbook Staff Writer
Students Opposed to Smoking</p>

<p>Community Service
Outdoor Ed Counselor for a week
Summer camp counselor for a week</p>

4 different jobs, one at a retirement home</p>

<p>play drums, web design, and program(C++ and Java. I also got a 4 on the CompSci A AP Test)</p>

<p>Nice to see a fellow programmer here. C++, Java, and web designing… ah, that’s me.</p>

<p>I’m comparing your stats to those on the Freshman Profile for Penn State, and they seem to be inline.</p>

<p>[Penn</a> State - Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“http://www.psu.edu/dept/admissions/counselors/policies/fyprofile.htm]Penn”>http://www.psu.edu/dept/admissions/counselors/policies/fyprofile.htm)</p>