Just finished king lear... Sad

<p>i can't believe what happened within the last act of the play. Poor Cordelia and Lear. Edmund is the biggest ****** in history!</p>

<p>I felt bad for Gloucestor too. Poor guy. And Regan and Goneril are catty little *****es.</p>

<p>It was unbelievable? Honestly? I mean, Shakespearean plays basically say what happens on the front cover. Unless it’s a History.</p>

<p>And I know Shakespeare wasn’t wholly with the unities, but the endings are usually supposed to be balanced, not shocking.</p>

<p>My favorite Shakespearean play!</p>

<p>Edmund was quite clever for being able to trick everyone.</p>

<p>Lear had it coming, that crazy old man.</p>